Shirt on or off outside in the summer?

I’ve just had a malignant melanoma removed and never been one for taking my top off at the slightest opportunity. I’m a bit old now but luckily my mole was caught early and hopefully not spread . Sunscreen and caution is what I would recommend and everything in moderation
I’ve had two plus BCC twice

Shirt on. Sunscreen and hat if you are bald like me
Beach, pool or out running possibly.

Walking down a street in Manchester absolutely not. You look a right tit and a wrong un, in shape or not.
Beach, pool or out running possibly.

Walking down a street in Manchester absolutely not. You look a right tit and a wrong un, in shape or not.

I'd love to run shirtless just to keep as cool as possible. However, I'm considerate of other people and not wanting to scare them, so always wear a running vest in summer & a t-shirt in winter.
I'd love to run shirtless just to keep as cool as possible. However, I'm considerate of other people and not wanting to scare them, so always wear a running vest in summer & a t-shirt in winter.

I trail run mainly so the only thing I'm going to scare is the odd sheep or cow.

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