Should kids be taught religion in schools

im a Tim,not a practising RC..
From the age of 5,religion was drummed into me,Glasgow btw.
on a monday morning,my teacher always asked ME what the Gospel was about the previous day (at Mass),i never knew,so the knuckle was scudded into my head,from then on i hated religion.

I know a lot of you guys think we're secterian,bigot shits up here..we're not.
Because most of us(decent people) don't give a flyin fuk about it tbh..
Only when the kids are old enough to make am informed decision about it, not simply brainwashed by it.
im a Tim,not a practising RC..
From the age of 5,religion was drummed into me,Glasgow btw.
on a monday morning,my teacher always asked ME what the Gospel was about the previous day (at Mass),i never knew,so the knuckle was scudded into my head,from then on i hated religion.

I know a lot of you guys think we're secterian,bigot shits up here..we're not.
Because most of us(decent people) don't give a flyin fuk about it tbh..

Did you study the Catechism?

I think the point is, you cannot really have a true understanding of history or human nature without understanding religion and how it effects people. The best way (IMO) to do this, is to delve into a holy book.
Addam iz pro said:
Only when the kids are old enough to make am informed decision about it, not simply brainwashed by it.
my old man (God Bless) said to me.....(there's a song there)...if you don't want to go to Chapel/Mass,it's ok.i was 5 yr old.
Ta Da.

Damocles,see what yer saying mate,but it was forced on me,my Dad gave me the option,i hate religion,it;s the worlds enemy in my opinion tbh.
Most wars in this world right now are about 2 things
1) religious beliefs
2)fukn oil
Yes, along with witchcraft and sooth saying. It has the same relevance in modern society. I want my children to be exposed to all the nonsense in the world and learn it's origins and historical context so they can discriminate from a position of knowledge.
Damocles,see what yer saying mate,but it was forced on me,my Dad gave me the option,i hate religion,it;s the worlds enemy in my opinion tbh.
Most wars in this world right now are about 2 things
1) religious beliefs
2)fukn oil

Religion itself is a fantastic, philosophical and spiritual pursuit that makes us ask difficult questions about our past, our current nature and our future. It's in our nature to ask these, and many great discoveries in our history has come from religious people searching for truth.

As you may have guessed, I'm a huge believer in evidence and in particularly the scientific method. The idea that we have found a system that we can use to comprehend the very laws of nature and reality blows my mind on a near daily basis. I use cosmology and evolution (which are my 'specialist subjects', so to speak) as a method of finding truth. Religious people use their spirituality as a way of finding their truth. It's incorrect to say that their truth, based on old legends and superstitions is somehow more accurate than scientific truth based upon reason and evidence, but the fact that they are searching for an answer gives me hope that they may one day start to use their God given faculties and use their religion to help philosophy instead of trying to oppose science.
Damocles said:
Damocles,see what yer saying mate,but it was forced on me,my Dad gave me the option,i hate religion,it;s the worlds enemy in my opinion tbh.
Most wars in this world right now are about 2 things
1) religious beliefs
2)fukn oil

Religion itself is a fantastic, philosophical and spiritual pursuit that makes us ask difficult questions about our past, our current nature and our future. It's in our nature to ask these, and many great discoveries in our history has come from religious people searching for truth.

As you may have guessed, I'm a huge believer in evidence and in particularly the scientific method. The idea that we have found a system that we can use to comprehend the very laws of nature and reality blows my mind on a near daily basis. I use cosmology and evolution (which are my 'specialist subjects', so to speak) as a method of finding truth. Religious people use their spirituality as a way of finding their truth. It's incorrect to say that their truth, based on old legends and superstitions is somehow more accurate than scientific truth based upon reason and evidence, but the fact that they are searching for an answer gives me hope that they may one day start to use their God given faculties and use their religion to help philosophy instead of trying to oppose science.

I was going to say that there's more chance of Jo ending up the 2010/2011 Premier Leagues top goalscorer than that occurring :P (looks like I just did) but instead I think I'll dispute that "fact". When you think that you have the answer you stop searching. The extent to which your average Christian searches for answers is confined within the Christian paradigm - and even then it's usually just to ask the priest/preacher for the answer.

Even the epitome of the "intelligent Christian", Francis Collins, has shown us that as soon as you dive headlong into a religion you soon give up searching for the truth behind the big questions. It's sad to see a good scientist turn into such a blabbering buffoon.

Sure, the few people who become religious, not out of indoctrination but out of choice, could be said to searching for answers. But searching for answers and searching for truth, in my view, are 2 different things. Easy answers are easy to come by but they're almost always wrong.

Besides, religion, that is dogma and baseless claims, and philosophy are antithetical. Philosophy is a rigorous process of reasoning, with reference to empiricism, whilst religion is just a load of made up stuff. The day that they "start to use their God given faculties" is the day they won't have a religion :)
Good post, I agree with lots of it.

I suppose a problem with religion is the fact that people are indoctrinated with it, instead of using it as a life choice.

That Lemaitre lad was a clever religious bloke. He invented the Big Bang hypothesis.
Damocles said:
Damocles,see what yer saying mate,but it was forced on me,my Dad gave me the option,i hate religion,it;s the worlds enemy in my opinion tbh.
Most wars in this world right now are about 2 things
1) religious beliefs
2)fukn oil

Religion itself is a fantastic, philosophical and spiritual pursuit that makes us ask difficult questions about our past, our current nature and our future. It's in our nature to ask these, and many great discoveries in our history has come from religious people searching for truth.


I see religion in a different way Damocles, I see it as a way of controlling people. Throughout time people have feared religion, think of the witchfinder general burning people at the stake after they had been co-erced into admitting so called witchcraft, think of people not so long ago in western countries who feared being burned in hell or people who in this present day who are prepared to kill in support of their god, think of Ireland, Isreal, Yugoslavia, and all the other massive problems of the world caused by god is better than yours so we cant live next door to each other.

I say stop it, stop teaching this stuff to influential kids, no-one walked on water.
Nobody lives at the North Pole and rides Red Nosed Reindeers either, but that doesn't mean we should stop telling it to kids.

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