Should we pull out of FIFA..?

You guys were cheated, no question about it. But unless you can prove it you will look bad claiming it. The lack of votes showed you're not that loved troughout Europe for some strange reason (USA is hated everywhere before anyone has a go at me), without proof that opinion could intensify? I sure hope you get that proof though.
Hope when Brazil go to FIFA with their heads bowed in shame cause they can't afford 2014 that English, Americans and Aussies tell FIFA to fu@k away off when they are asked to step in and save the day.
mad4city said:
*Highlighting FIFA's corruption on the eve of the vote could only serve two purposes - either everybody on the executive had a Road to Damascus moment and came clean or the knot tightened, they circled the wagons and denied, denied, denied.

So, our country's free media kills our bid but a country that kills its media has a successful bid.
And we're in the wrong? Seriously?

mad4city said:
*Almost everybody that the England bid roped in was English. Not one Scot/ Frenchman/ African/ American or Australian. Imagine having say Dalgleish, Blanc, Weah, Reyna and Craig Johnston on your side as well as that endless line of public schoolboys.

The presentation was full of references to our multiculturalism and involved Mancini, Fergie & Wenger and Im quite sure our Eddie did not attend a public school.

mad4city said:
*Where was the attempt to elicit support from respected, high-profile English people in other fields (say, Mick Jagger, Elton John, JK Rowling, Graham Swift, Martina Cole, and any one of a dozen Hollywood actors etc).

David Cameron and Prince William not high profile enough?

mad4city said:
*Finally (and most importantly!) please, get over the 'we invented football' mentality. It's not a good image for two very good reasons: a) There were rudimentary games of football played all over the world before the English put rules to it. (Remember the fat kid at school who made up his own games and insisted on keeping score - that's the card ye are playing) and (b) it has a nasty habit of reminding other country's of the colonial past - which, to the modern, enightened sensibility is hardly England's finest or most endearing acheivement.

We invented association football - FACT
If you're saying our dodgy past worked against us, how do you explain Germany and Japan winning the rights to hold their world cups? FFS Russia hardly has the best historical record.

mad4city said:
No offence intended by the above - just calling it as I see it.

No offence taken but placing the blame anywhere other than at FIFA's door is either completely wrong or just plain anti-English.
Got this from a rather right wing blog, but interesting nonetheless

I couldn't resist looking at FIFA's finances. In 2009 they had revenue of about $1bn. Of that, the vast bulk - $0.9bn - came from the World Cup (which only happens once every four years but the revenues are spread out across all years).

FIFA's world Cup revenues come from broadcast rights and marketing (mainly corporate sponsorship). World Cup ticket revenues go to the host organiser (which would be the FA here).

The biggest chunk is broadcasting rights which seem to have totalled well over $2bn for the last WC in South Africa. But the interesting thing is that the sources of this broadcasting revenue are highly concentrated. Well over 50% comes from Europe. Adding in Asia takes the total up to 80%. Yet despite this, Europe and Asia combined only get 50% of votes on the FIFA Executive Committee. And my bet is that if we could see a revenue breakdown within Europe and Asia, we'd find some even more startling concentrations.

The obvious question is why don't the footballing authorities in the major revenue generating countries get together and do a complete Premier League style breakaway from the sleazy dysfunctional FIFA? Organise their own World Cup, to be rotated between them. Of course, we'd expect the big Latin American countries to be included as well, but on my count, there'd be no more than ten in the core group. Which would give each of them the tournament once every 40 years.

Naturally every country in the world would be invited to compete, just as now. But the competition would always be held in one of the big footballing nations.

Oh, and the tournament would need to be entirely self-financing - no more taxpayer subs.
message to England>>>> you and other first world countries have had more that your fair share of world tournaents over the last 100 years...

The planet is changing

mergatroid said:
You guys were cheated, no question about it. But unless you can prove it you will look bad claiming it. The lack of votes showed you're not that loved troughout Europe for some strange reason (USA is hated everywhere before anyone has a go at me), without proof that opinion could intensify? I sure hope you get that proof though.

Proof of fifa corruption is already there, and has been dealt with in court but for some reason nothing is done..! look at this site and you'll be amazed at how it is allowed to continue..

eg : "Fifa 'misled' detectives on trail of missing £45m paid for World Cup TV rights
A Swiss court has ruled that football’s world governing body, Fifa, misled detectives investigating the disappearance of £45 million paid for World Cup television rights. "
blumoonrises said:
mergatroid said:
You guys were cheated, no question about it. But unless you can prove it you will look bad claiming it. The lack of votes showed you're not that loved troughout Europe for some strange reason (USA is hated everywhere before anyone has a go at me), without proof that opinion could intensify? I sure hope you get that proof though.

Proof of fifa corruption is already there, and has been dealt with in court but for some reason nothing is done..! look at this site and you'll be amazed at how it is allowed to continue..

eg : "Fifa 'misled' detectives on trail of missing £45m paid for World Cup TV rights
A Swiss court has ruled that football’s world governing body, Fifa, misled detectives investigating the disappearance of £45 million paid for World Cup television rights. "

That's fucking disgraceful then man. The Government needs to grow a set and address this issue or they're allowing a cancer to spread!
So many astonishingly naïve posts. The power of english football sits with the premier league clubs and every one of them would resign from the FA and go into a new uefafifa federation if any resignation.

I find it staggering that anyone even thinks for a second that abramovich would be so gutted about russia getting the world cup that he would pull chelsea out of uefa, or that mansour is devestated about a middle east world cup. Really do the american owners of villa, liverpool, sunderland and united really want to give away hundreds of millions of their own money in support of englands divine right?

Then exactly how much will owners from india, hong kong, iceland etc etc care ? You know how much ? Not the teeniest bit.

English football is the biggest and most popular now because it is owned by the world, has many of the worlds best players and it is stupid to think the epl could beat fifa. If england was out of fifa how would city and chelsea do when our owners pulled out? How would all the teams be if any footballer who wanted to play international football had to leave england? And when the sky deal went down 80% how many clubs would survive?<br /><br />-- Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:04 am --<br /><br />This also all goes back to england doing the dirty on germany over the 2006 world cup, before breaking our promise to support them we had allies in world football after we did the dirty on them all support england had was gone for decades. Stupid arrogant behaviour cost england a world cup and cost the english any chance of a powerbase they had.
Yeah, lets pull out of FIFA. Let the country that is the motherland of football make a statement!

Personally, I couldn't give a stuff as having a major world tournament passes most people by.

We have the Olympics in London in 18 months, and how many people are going down there to see all the action?

We had the Euro 96 stuff, and how many people got so caught up with it it changed their lives?

Very few, if any.

Forget the corporate bullshit, does it matter? Is it really that important that a half ased game between Bulgaria and Ecuador at 2pm in the afternoon in a half full stadium after the powers that be have decided £90 is a fair price for fans to pay to watch a shit match to appease FIFA's accountants is worth the bother.

The World Cup is a pile of shit, and if Russia wants to host it, I'm sure it will be a joyless affair which those that want to waste their money following a team that have no chance of winning it are welcome to.

I'll be walking my dog.
I am not annoyed or disappointed that we did not get the selection to host - simply because I never thought that we were anything other than being used by the corrupt twat blatter

What really fucking annoys and disappoints me though is that the media fuelled jingoistic ego that we have as a nation allowed us to be so gullible and so easily used.

How much energy, money etc has gone into this bid - all for the benefit of FIFA's corrupt hierarchy - because we made it look like there was a really a competition which probably meant that the bribes were higher.

And do you think that we will fall for it again - you betcha - blatter or his replacement will simply say a few favourable words and we will fall over ourselves

It would have been far better to simply stay out and expose the process for the corrupt farce that it is. It pisses me off that the BBC programme is getting the blame - if exposing the fuckers really means that we lost votes - well does that not itself demonstrate that everyone knows how bent it s - and look at the punishments handed out by FIFA recently - less than a tiny tap on the wrists and guaranteed to ensure the guys involved will have their snouts back in the trough long before the next 'selection process'

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