Silva: The Weak Link

Why couldn't we have signed Oberon, FFS, or Bebe? Why do we always have to settle for the likes of David Silva? Yet another bollock has been dropped. It is wearing thin.
VinceYoungisaBLUE said:
Petetheblu said:
Hahaha....He was'nt even playing tonight FFS!!!.......Was he....???

Only City could buy a Spanish player who looks like a Japanese.....FFS CITY sort it out!!!!

Hahaha his mother is Japanese.

Hahaha!! I knew, he's a top top player.
City Raider said:
makes shit paella

Absolute fucking brilliance.

I hate, more than anything, when he lays the ball into space and the player being passed to turns into traffic instead and it breaks down completely. It happens, I shit you not, once or twice a game. The lad better get himself sorted or he'll find himself on loan to Cardiff.


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