
BlueBearBoots said:
This. Its a feckin nightmare being single in your 40's especially if you are a woman. I have one single friend who has no interest in football at all and as you say, all my other friends are couples and/or have kids. Think its easier for a bloke because they can just take themselves off to he pub on their own whenever they want, cant really do that if you are a woman.

You could buy some cats and become a crazy old cat lady.
peoffrey said:
A functional and harmonious relationship is about as good as it gets but a dysfunctional and unhappy one is hell on earth. Imagine being a singlie at 40 or 45. Who would you see? Your mates would all be in relationships or be Parents - and then people start dying off. Meeting new people gets harder as you get older.

internet dating - the conti club for divorcees with kids - and your feet don't stick to the carpet...
another generation said:
BlueBearBoots said:
Think its easier for a bloke because they can just take themselves off to the pub on their own whenever they want, cant really do that if you are a woman.
Are you still living in the 1950s?

lol I could never go in a pub on my own!!<br /><br />-- Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:25 pm --<br /><br />
wayne71 said:
BlueBearBoots said:
This. Its a feckin nightmare being single in your 40's especially if you are a woman. I have one single friend who has no interest in football at all and as you say, all my other friends are couples and/or have kids. Think its easier for a bloke because they can just take themselves off to he pub on their own whenever they want, cant really do that if you are a woman.

You could buy some cats and become a crazy old cat lady.

that's sounds like a plan! :)
This. Its a feckin nightmare being single in your 40's especially if you are a woman. I have one single friend who has no interest in football at all and as you say, all my other friends are couples and/or have kids. Think its easier for a bloke because they can just take themselves off to he pub on their own whenever they want, cant really do that if you are a woman.[/quote]

It is just as hard for a bloke, I am 39 now and came out of a 7 year relationship about a year ago, and the old lads nights out are gone as they are all married or settled down with kids now, yes we could walk in a pub on our own, but if you were out with your mates, do you think a bloke out in a pub on his own would approach a table of women?
Two single and lonely ladies on this thread who both have a few things in common.
Both city fans and both lonely. The answer is simple and in your hearts you both know it.

corky1970 said:
tommo74 said:
This. Its a feckin nightmare being single in your 40's especially if you are a woman. I have one single friend who has no interest in football at all and as you say, all my other friends are couples and/or have kids. Think its easier for a bloke because they can just take themselves off to he pub on their own whenever they want, cant really do that if you are a woman.

It is just as hard for a bloke, I am 39 now and came out of a 7 year relationship about a year ago, and the old lads nights out are gone as they are all married or settled down with kids now, yes we could walk in a pub on our own, but if you were out with your mates, do you think a bloke out in a pub on his own would approach a table of women?

i have done..nothing to shows confidence, style ,be funny and humble also and chatty, ladies like that..done it several times and every time got told to fuck off[/quote]

That's quality, high don't lack confidence one bit and good at banter, but it is a bit easier approaching a table of women when out with your mates. Anyway good luck with your date tonight, and pictures or it didn't happen :-)
ha ha stony - wouldn't say I was lonely I do get out quite a bit but just hate living on my own never done it until now. this time last year I was living with my partner of 7 years, 2 daughters and a grandson the house was bursting at the seams and I never had a minute to myself - now when I am at home there is just me and the cat :(

no I didn't bury them all under the patio lol - my partner left me, and my girls got their own places, just all happened within a few months so the timing was bad.

Spose the worst bit is those nights when there is rack all on the telly and you have no plans there isn't anyone there just to be with!
BlueBearBoots said:
peoffrey said:
A functional and harmonious relationship is about as good as it gets but a dysfunctional and unhappy one is hell on earth. Imagine being a singlie at 40 or 45. Who would you see? Your mates would all be in relationships or be Parents - and then people start dying off. Meeting new people gets harder as you get older.

This. Its a feckin nightmare being single in your 40's especially if you are a woman. I have one single friend who has no interest in football at all and as you say, all my other friends are couples and/or have kids. Think its easier for a bloke because they can just take themselves off to he pub on their own whenever they want, cant really do that if you are a woman.

You very rarely, if ever, see an unaccompanied woman in any of my local pubs and it's obvious why. There's too many single men in there who are single for an obvious reason. i.e. Socially inept, ignorant, borderline alcoholic and clearly deeply miserable. I'd give these places a swerve if I was Peoffrina.

I've certainly never had a problem socialising as part of a couple or with other couples too. I had a birthday curry some years back and 3 couples helped make up the table of 10 there. But, as you get older, priorities like a mortgage or children do crop up. These things change it all.
A colleague at work is single and so are his two brothers - decent enough chaps but all now in their late 40's/early 50's.

None of them have kids and are ever likely to.

I have pointed out that for them to exist today, firstly chemical reactions had to miraculously happen to create the first forms of life. These first life forms then had to reproduce and over millions of years gone through various stages of evolution from simple single cell species, to water dwelling creatures, which at some stage made the incredible effort of hauling themselves on to land, evolving further into more complex creatures that have survived catastrophes like meteors hitting the planet and so on. And yet each one of my friends direct ancestors has managed to reproduce offspring before dying so that the family line is continued to this very day down to these three guys.

Now, because these lads are all a bit shy, their family line ends here after all this time.

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