
LFC28 said:
moomba said:
LFC28 said:
Liverpool is a big club just because we havent been in CL for a few years it dosent change that.

And that will count for fuck all when it comes to people making decisions on where to play.

Champions league, title races, potential earnings all much more significant than the "big club" myth that really is only important to insecure supporters.

Not only that its £££ which your club clearly has and would be nothing without.

City have also more history as well as money la'.
Not bad good in the air and a bit of steel, better than Komps no, better than Lescott no, not last season anyway. I have always thought Agger the better and suited to our style footballing wise. How would Skrtel cope outside of the card free zone that is Anfield for most Liverpool players, his style would pick up cards.

I hope Boyata is brought back, Savic I too feel should be given time elsewhere to see what he can do. I don't see him from what I have seen, see him as a top grade centre half. With Kolo I think its a confidence thing, he is one of those who needs to play in some of our games he defo needs to stay IMO, he is also one of my faves on the ball and has a degree of adaptability that is required within any truly top squad.
jimharri said:
Man Cini said:
jimharri said:
They really are a bunch of deluded fuckwits (plagiarism alert!) over there. And they're supposed to be the most knowledgeable fans in football? Christ on a bike!

All fans have their own set of idiots.

-- Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:27 pm --

taconinja said:
That is indeed the best case scenario.

Suits us LFC fans, we don't want to sell him.

He was our best player last season.

If we sold him we'd want at least we you gave Everton for Lescott, as we rate Skrtel higher than him.
Re. your first point; agreed. All clubs have some morons among their support. Yes, even us. Hard to believe, I know. It's just that some clubs have more than others. As for Skrtel being rated higher than JL? Be serious. Skrtel is a thug, nothing more. Check the previous pages of this thread. Skrtel has previous with our players and it has been noticed. Agger is a better player than him.

Lescott is a good player, but I think if you sign Skrtel he will be the main partner for Kompany.

What do you mean Skrtel is a thug? He looks like a mean person, but he is not a dirty player. He hardly gets suspended and is a clean football, who has all the attributes needed at centre back. He is also far better on the ball than people on here are making out.

Agger is better on the ball than Skrtel, but not many centre backs in the league are better than Agger on the ball. But Skrtel is the enforcer in the partnership.

I personally hope we don't sell Skrtel, as we have a really good centre back partnership in Skrtel and Agger, as good as anything else in the league.

But you will have to pay what you did for Lescott if you want him, as he is no worse than him and we rate him hgiher.
LFC28 said:
moomba said:
LFC28 said:
Liverpool is a big club just because we havent been in CL for a few years it dosent change that.

And that will count for fuck all when it comes to people making decisions on where to play.

Champions league, title races, potential earnings all much more significant than the "big club" myth that really is only important to insecure supporters.

Not only that its £££ which your club clearly has and would be nothing without.

I wonder how your lot would've gone on in the 70's without the spends...
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
Man Cini said:
jimharri said:
They really are a bunch of deluded fuckwits (plagiarism alert!) over there. And they're supposed to be the most knowledgeable fans in football? Christ on a bike!

All fans have their own set of idiots.

-- Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:27 pm --

taconinja said:
That is indeed the best case scenario.

Suits us LFC fans, we don't want to sell him.

He was our best player last season.

If we sold him we'd want at least we you gave Everton for Lescott, as we rate Skrtel higher than him.

He is not better than Lescott, no where near (93% tackles won rate I believe it was last season) we are past paying over the odds for rubbish like santa cruz, and if you sell him at 15 million, you would have sold him for more than twice he cost you 6.5 mil. If he is that good why did Liverpool finish below everton last season and lose to sides like fulham and wigan at the great fortress that is Klanfield. If you rate Skrtel so highly I would suspect you are over the moon to be signing Icelanic superstar Gylfi Siggurdson, along with the big name manager Brendan Rodgers.

I like Man City, why the classless reply? Has all the brief success and money changed you already?

We underachieved last season. But Skrtel is a fine player. If you don't want him, that is fine by us.
Man Cini said:
jimharri said:
taconinja said:
Ah and the "He's far better than Lescott and would supplant him!" posts are going now over there.
They really are a bunch of deluded fuckwits (plagiarism alert!) over there. And they're supposed to be the most knowledgeable fans in football? Christ on a bike!

All fans have their own set of idiots.

-- Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:27 pm --

taconinja said:
carlos92 said:
I thought we were signing him but it looks like his agent is trying to get Skrtel a better deal at Liverpool.
That is indeed the best case scenario.

Suits us LFC fans, we don't want to sell him.

He was our best player last season.

If we sold him we'd want at least we you gave Everton for Lescott, as we rate Skrtel higher than him.

I noticed some idiot on RAWK wanting £20 + Adam Johnson. If you're using the Lescott transfer as a yardstick, then surely we can use Downings. What was it again £20M ? In that case we'd like £35M for Adam. Or in other words £15M + Skrtel.

Can you see just how ridiculous comparisons like that are ? Personally I don't want the ugly ****. He gets away with so many fouls in the area it's like he leads a charmed life. I seriously doubt he'd get away with that for us.
stony said:
Man Cini said:
jimharri said:
They really are a bunch of deluded fuckwits (plagiarism alert!) over there. And they're supposed to be the most knowledgeable fans in football? Christ on a bike!

All fans have their own set of idiots.

-- Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:27 pm --

taconinja said:
That is indeed the best case scenario.

Suits us LFC fans, we don't want to sell him.

He was our best player last season.

If we sold him we'd want at least we you gave Everton for Lescott, as we rate Skrtel higher than him.

I noticed some idiot on RAWK wanting £20 + Adam Johnson. If you're using the Lescott transfer as a yardstick, then surely we can use Downings. What was it again £20M ? In that case we'd like £35M for Adam. Or in other words £15M + Skrtel.

Can you see just how ridiculous comparisons like that are ? Personally I don't want the ugly ****. He gets away with so many fouls in the area it's like he leads a charmed life. I seriously doubt he'd get away with that for us.

Not sure we want Johnson to be honest, we might do, but how often do swap deal happen? Rarely.

Lescott should be the yardstick, as he is just as good.

If you don't want to pay that fee, then he stays at LFC - simple!
Man Cini said:
....What do you mean Skrtel is a thug? He looks like a mean person, but he is not a dirty player. He hardly gets suspended and is a clean football, who has all the attributes needed at centre back. He is also far better on the ball than people on here are making out.
Go back a few pages; he raked his studs down the back of one of our players (either Jo or Micah) during a game at our place (could be the 0-0 bore draw of three or four years back), and he also elbowed Aguero last season. If you think he is a clean player because he never gets suspended, wake up and smell the coffee. Rooney only got one yellow card all last season. Model professional with a fantastic attitude to referees, isn't he? As for how he looks; well, instead of commenting, I will simply suggest that people look at pictures of him and come to their own conclusions.
Man Cini said:
jimharri said:
Man Cini said:
All fans have their own set of idiots.

-- Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:27 pm --

Suits us LFC fans, we don't want to sell him.

He was our best player last season.

If we sold him we'd want at least we you gave Everton for Lescott, as we rate Skrtel higher than him.
Re. your first point; agreed. All clubs have some morons among their support. Yes, even us. Hard to believe, I know. It's just that some clubs have more than others. As for Skrtel being rated higher than JL? Be serious. Skrtel is a thug, nothing more. Check the previous pages of this thread. Skrtel has previous with our players and it has been noticed. Agger is a better player than him.

Lescott is a good player, but I think if you sign Skrtel he will be the main partner for Kompany.

What do you mean Skrtel is a thug? He looks like a mean person, but he is not a dirty player. He hardly gets suspended and is a clean football, who has all the attributes needed at centre back. He is also far better on the ball than people on here are making out.

Agger is better on the ball than Skrtel, but not many centre backs in the league are better than Agger on the ball. But Skrtel is the enforcer in the partnership.

I personally hope we don't sell Skrtel, as we have a really good centre back partnership in Skrtel and Agger, as good as anything else in the league.

But you will have to pay what you did for Lescott if you want him, as he is no worse than him and we rate him hgiher.

How would Skrtel cope outside of the card free zone that is Anfield for most Liverpool players, his style would pick up cards.

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