So, what DO you believe?

Thanks for that F Bloke -; and this thread sits very nicely with the one you made last Season " What City's Success would mean to you". Thanks for both of them - but you have missed a key aspect of my post.

When I referenced Abramaovich's almost physical attack on the Chelsea players failure to progress in the Champions League it was a dig from me about how some Clubs can measure success in just the one ultimate prize. We also saw it with Madrid when they sacked Del Bosque and many others. I dont want City to be like that.

The thread has been drawing me in since reading it at work throughout last night and one of the many things it got me thinking about was our traditional rivals in the general "Sky" type order of things and how unfair it seems to them and the bitterness from them that often shows itself on this Forum when they post. Without using Google or Wikipedia my memory says that Spurs and Everton between them have won 12 or 13 Trophy's since the overhead kick from Dennis. Well, that's not fair to me either but we have paid our dues.

I have not got a Ten year plan like the owners. My plan goes from the Game against Spurs on the opening day of the Season to the day I draw my last breath and it is Glory and Victory and Trophies that I am after. Just one would make everything worth it. Yet magnificently we all know we just dont stop at one.
And to think that some people dont like my threads :-(

The analogy I lean towards is of a starvation victim.

If you were to offer a truly hungry man a feast it could well kill him.

You need to feed small amounts and build up the amounts.

That way health returns and he doesn't choke, lasting for many,many more years.
bellbuzzer said:
Pastures new for me,after 50 years watching city being blown by the winds of fate,you inevitably suffer poverty of ambition,and it becomes the norm to see survival as a victory. Having much higher aims takes some getting used to,and the under-dog mentality is hard to shift. The way things are shaping up with the squad and the stadium developments the future has never been so bright,all that is needed now is proof that the manager is the one to get the job done,and that can only come when the season kicks off. Cautiously optimistic ,but i dont under-estimate the difficulty of getting a large squad all marching in step,week after week,home and away.We should qualify for europe,we should do well in the cups, it's just.............. so uncity-like to be up there.
good post mate...watched city over 45 years so we have probably shared the same good and bad.I just hope this is not another false dawn..COME ON CITY.
I believe that the players we already had will be more important than those we have just signed. All three of our "expensive" signings are not world beaters!
Boateng could be a big hit depending on where he's going to play.
Toure will add a little to our midfield but still not as cultured a midfielder as I'd have like to see coming in.
Silva could be a disaster, very inconsistent when playing out wide, his crossing isn't that good, hopefully he's going to be used centrally where his main asset of passing will have an impact.
I don't believe these 3 move us on massively , in fact a return to form of Ireland and fully fit Michael Jonhnson would have a bigger impact IMO.
I agree with Neil McNab. I would like to see getting the best of what we're got already before splashing around in the pre-season transfer market and paying over the odds for renegade players with big reputations and bigger egos.(good as they may be). The signings with have made recently have been prudent. Although I would have liked to have seen the other Spanish David at City..

Adebayor WILL I predict find his groove this year and there is nothing I would like to see better than our own Steven Ireland and Michael Johnson back playing regular first team football next season

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