So who's going to Paris then?

Currently chilling out at the top of Montparnasse tower, next to ticket collection. Beers only €5.80.
Best views of Paris.
Currently chilling out at the top of Montparnasse tower, next to ticket collection. Beers only €5.80.
Best views of Paris.
Sat in a bar near the ticket collection called Le Tournesol on Rue Delagaite...Stella €5.50 a pint..cheapest we've found since being here yesterday
Collected tickets yesterday and had a great night out but suffering today, just going for a dip in the outside pool to freshen up. hotel is 500 meters from the ground so probably find a few bars locally
Sat in bar by place de clichy Stella 4 euro a pint might chill here some more before heading out
In my experience they are a bitter, sour people, smelling strongly of garlic. They rarely bathe and exist on a diet of rich cakeage washed down with the carbonated tears of Algerian orphans.

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