City back down on charging for disabled parking (P6)

I’ve got no issue with Alex, he is sound and the only one I know of that bothers to keep us informed. City Matters as an organisation looks to me to be pretty weak and meaningless. They should at the very least be writing an open letter to the club, condemning their actions
Everyone in CM is giving up their personal time to try and do their best for the wider fanbase. It's a thankless task given that the club do not listen. They're lambs to slaughter!

I get your point about an open letter, but the fact that CityMatters (as a collective) have put their name to, and helped to start this fundraiser and raise attention speaks volumes. A couple of members (the ones I've mentioned) are going above and beyond and even putting their own money in the pot to support other blues (who are being let down by the club's greed).
Every member of the City Matters fans group should resign in protest.
Everything to do with the club off field is getting very worrying at present.
This a pretty candid answer and this thread is perhaps the wrong place for it.

It's really tiring seeing the Club turndown what I feel are reasonable requests on behalf of fans. I take it quite personally when I see those at the hard edge of the Club's policies, particularly so with the Istanbul debacle. It's not the only contributing factor, but truth be told, I don't think I enjoy City as much as I used to.

Have I considered quitting? Absolutely. My girlfriend and colleagues across City Matters and other fan groups will attest to that.

But each time, I come back to the overriding factor that the Club need to have a Fan Advisory Board (in our case City Matters) in accordance with Premier League rules. And there will always be people to fill my role if I go - there were over fifty applicants for the member representative alone in the recent elections. So, the show will go on with or without me. That isn't to say that I am on the only person who can represent fan interests to the Club. I am not, and I know plenty of people who could do a similar job. But whilst I have time left on City Matters, I feel like I should continue making the case.

That’s not to say that I would never resign. But currently, it's essentially the point that @Mad Eyed Screamer has made in the thread and is the same reason why I have tried to bolster the governance of City Matters.

My time's up in a year, so I will need to consider what to do next.
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At the etihad they have a sensory room and other facilities which help people with disabilities access the game.

I work with people who have disabilities and enquired about creating a video to spread awareness of some of these facilities at the etihad.

I get through to someone at the club and was informed basically that they don’t want to advertise it because it would create too much demand.

It’s a shame when organisations claim to be inclusive but in reality, aren’t.
I'm not exactly sure about how this works. I've made a contribution but how do the disabled fans get their parking fees paid? I thought individuals had to book the parking spaces and pay online.

I'm sorry if I am coming over as thick (I know I am so no news there) but does the fund administrator then wait for the disabled fan to contact them and ask for the parking fee back? Or does the fund administrator pay the money in a lump sum for x number of parking spaces and the disabled supporters group contact fans?

I'm probably overthinking this, sorry. :-)
Alex and some others in City Matters like Dan already have made their positions very clear to the club. The club have chosen to sneak this one out and effectively ignore any feedback.

Seems like a few extra £s means more to them than all the bad will/negativity they're brewing.

Because City Matters is a pointless organisation that the club ignore entirely, setup due to meet an incoming regulatory requirement (and replace the somewhat more useful Points of Blue meetings), and the people who are still there are legitimising this fake organisation and fake consultancy for the purposes of their own ego or status.

They are useless, we can rely on them for nothing, and they do active harm by keeping up this pretence
But each time, I come back to the overriding factor that the Club need to have a Fan Advisory Board (in our case City Matters) in accordance with Premier League rules. And there will always be people to fill my role if I go - there were over fifty applicants for the member representative alone in the recent elections. So, the show will go on with or without me. That isn't to say that I am on the only person who can represent fan interests to the Club. I am not, and I know plenty of people who could do a similar job. But whilst I have time left on City Matters, I feel like I should continue making the case.

This is nonsense hedging. A mass resignation of the City Matters group would make a dent in their PR. A widespread campaign by ex-members on social media posts highlighting its ineffectivenesss would matter.

You can handwring all that you like but the fact remains that the worst policies in City's recent history happened under City Matters. You've achieved nothing apart from gaining a non-title.

What "protesting" against the club have you done? You could kick up an international media storm against the entire CFG platform if you wanted and handled this correctly. But no, instead you talk to your family about maybe possibly sort of resigning and you're really super seriously thinking of not staying on next year maybe.

You want understanding and absolution for your inaction and I don't think you deserve it. You had one job.
I'm not exactly sure about how this works. I've made a contribution but how do the disabled fans get their parking fees paid? I thought individuals had to book the parking spaces and pay online.

I'm sorry if I am coming over as thick (I know I am so no news there) but does the fund administrator then wait for the disabled fan to contact them and ask for the parking fee back? Or does the fund administrator pay the money in a lump sum for x number of parking spaces and the disabled supporters group contact fans?

I'm probably overthinking this, sorry. :-)
You're not overthinking it, don't worry.

The money raised is being donated to the Disabled Supporters Association. They're handling the funds. Their members (and other disabled fans who are not members but require accessible parking) can send their receipts to the DSA who will reimburse them.

Lot's of effort going into this from a team of volunteers at the DSA to ensure fans don't miss out because of cost.
Because City Matters is a pointless organisation that the club ignore entirely, setup due to meet a regulatory requirement, and the people who are still there are legitimising this fake organisation and fake consultancy for the purposes of their own ego or status.

They are useless, we can rely on them for nothing, and they do active harm by keeping up this pretence
I know some extremely influential connected and successful people that were "invited" to join City Matters. Only to then be ignored and excluded from a process they hadn't been fore warned about. Not a one made it onto the voting shortlist of well meaning but lightweight applicants. Some very front of house lip service being paid to fans. They clearly only want people they can control.
Ultimately, I suppose, every organisation does.
You're not overthinking it, don't worry.

The money raised is being donated to the Disabled Supporters Association. They're handling the funds. Their members (and other disabled fans who are not members but require accessible parking) can send their receipts to the DSA who will reimburse them.

Lot's of effort going into this from a team of volunteers at the DSA to ensure fans don't miss out because of cost.
Thank you so much @Manchester33. I knew that there would be a simple explanation.

Sounds extremely logical to me. A lot of effort going into it as you say. A lot of hard work for the DSA as well. Thanks again. :-)

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