Some sad news - Sibierski's daughter

Re: Some sad news

jimmygrimble said:
BatBlue said:
Come on man you have been posting on this site longer than I have you know there are a few that would do this. Not that I am saying this is a wind up, and if it is true then My heart felt conolence goes out to Sibs and his family, but i cannot find a single mention of this on any news site anywhere, and Facebook does not count because a facebook page can be added by anybody. In fact if you type in Antoine Sibierski daughter dead on google this thread is the first thing that comes up.

If you read the facebook group, it has got HER friends saying how sad they are. Without being disrespectful, what do you expect to happen, the press to hold the front page?

No. But concidering the man played for three premiership teams it's not beyond the realms of reality to expect there to be some news of this somewhere apart from on here and facebook. As i said i am not disputing the fact that it has happened and if her friends are posting on facebook they would obviously know more than i do, but not that long ago there was memorial pages springing up about johnny Depp because people thought he was dead, until he came out and told everybody he was fact even then people still thought he was dead. Again i would like to say if this is true then i am very sorry for the loss and wish the family well.
Re: Some sad news

the lad is in bits he used to go round to here flat in alty .shame but the world keeps turning .rip kidda
Re: Some sad news

BatBlue said:
jimmygrimble said:
If you read the facebook group, it has got HER friends saying how sad they are. Without being disrespectful, what do you expect to happen, the press to hold the front page?

No. But concidering the man played for three premiership teams it's not beyond the realms of reality to expect there to be some news of this somewhere apart from on here and facebook. As i said i am not disputing the fact that it has happened and if her friends are posting on facebook they would obviously know more than i do, but not that long ago there was memorial pages springing up about johnny Depp because people thought he was dead, until he came out and told everybody he was fact even then people still thought he was dead. Again i would like to say if this is true then i am very sorry for the loss and wish the family well.

Fair enough, but again with the greatest of respect, Johnny Depp is a world famous actor adored by millions of people (mainly teenage girls) around the world, not the daughter of an average footballer. That comes across as arsey, but it is seriously not meant like that. From reading what some of her friends and people who go same college have put up, it sounds like they have only just found out about it, so the press might not have had chance to report anything on it yet, especially without all of the facts. I agree though, IF it is a joke it is a really sick joke!
Re: Some sad news

Deepest sympathy to all the family. So sad when a young life is lost
Re: Some sad news

Since becoming a dad 4 years ago (Now have 2 daughters, 4 & 1) I become really emotional when I hear of things happening to kids, daughters particularly.

Its amazing, I love my wife, parents and brother but can't comprehend what it must be like to lose a child, and a young one too.

In the past, whenever I heard mention of Sibs, me and my bro would joke about how the commentators would always mention he was 'good in the air' as he f@cked up another chance with is head. Now I'l lthink of how heartbroken he must be at his loss.

All the best fella, can't imagine what you're going through but hope you have good friends and family to see you through.


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