Some words in Russian to help you.

jimmymart said:
Вы видели меня стоял один, без мечты в моем сердце из любви моей. Соединенные тот заклинания чертовски долга ко мне с ником Вак рисовых Нак дать собаке кости. океан финансирования по телефону.

Anybody hazard a guess?

What you say when you're about to knock-back another glass of vodka.

Similar to the English "Cheers"
jimmymart said:
Вы видели меня стоял один, без мечты в моем сердце из любви моей. Соединенные тот заклинания чертовски долга ко мне с ником Вак рисовых Нак дать собаке кости. океан финансирования по телефону.

Anybody hazard a guess?

You better not fall asleep on the train, shitbag.
Big_Bad_Bojinov said:
jimmymart said:
Вы видели меня стоял один, без мечты в моем сердце из любви моей. Соединенные тот заклинания чертовски долга ко мне с ником Вак рисовых Нак дать собаке кости. океан финансирования по телефону.

Anybody hazard a guess?

You better not fall asleep on the train, shitbag.

dell74 said:
jimmymart said:
Вы видели меня стоял один, без мечты в моем сердце из любви моей. Соединенные тот заклинания чертовски долга ко мне с ником Вак рисовых Нак дать собаке кости. океан финансирования по телефону.

Anybody hazard a guess?

..........without a love of my own ?

You saw me it stood one, without the dream in my heart from the love of my. Those connected that of the incantation is devilishly of the debt to me with the nick Of [vak] of rice [Nak] to give to the dog of the bone. the ocean of financing on the telephone.

Not bad is BabelFish! We get the gist!
Vicky said:
A Bit of Russian.

Da- Yes

Niet- No

Zdrastvitcha- Hello

Priviet- Hi

Dosvedania- Good Bye

Pazolsta- Please

Spasibo- Thank you.

Izvinity- Excuse me

Gdear- Where

Gastinitsa- Hotel

Stadion- Stadium

Magazine- Shop.

Leva- Left

Prava- Right

Na Leva- To the left

Na Prava- To the right.

Priama- Straight ahead.

Peeva- Beer

Vodka is Vodka

Izvinity Pazolsta, Gdear Stadion. Excuse me please, where is the stadium.

Or Izvinity Pazolsta, Gdear Gastinitsa Ukraine? Excuse me please, where is the hotel Ukraine.

These are the basic words to get you through the day. Don’t worry though because many, many people in Kiev speak at least a little English.

I hope this helps a little.

Spent a few weeks on an oil field in Khazakshtan once with a guy from Moscow - leant lots of Russian words but forgot most of them now - just remember watching Spartak Moscow on TV and every fookin advert was for Spartak Cola - sent mee fookin mental
I don't trust anyone trying to teach me a language, ever since a Polish guy had me tell a girl I fancied that she had a nice arsehole. Fuck you Jerry Hamerlick.
Barcon said:
I don't trust anyone trying to teach me a language, ever since a Polish guy had me tell a girl I fancied that she had a nice arsehole. Fuck you Jerry Hamerlick.

Did it work?
About 20 % of the population of Kiev is Russian. Most people switch between Ukrainian and Russian.(Hope thats right Vicky!)

Always good to be able to grunt "large beer" in the local lingo.

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