I think your right, something is very wrong, but it goes much deeper than the 3 players you talk about. Little things here and there, but put together show that the club is far from happy. The supposed "meeting with the players" Elano, TBH and Hamann where the players that reported as having gone to see him to complain about the training the players where undergoing. Everyone picks on the Elano part the lazy Brazilian, but consider the other 2, TBH for all that he is a limited player(at this level)was in the Israeli Army, thus I am sure is used to shall we say "basic" training methods. Hamann is a ex-German international that no one has ever claimed as anything other than a true model professional and one that I'm sure has worked under more world class coaches than anyone at the club. Since complaining about the training system he has of course also been injured(in training)and will likely never play again for the club. That brings me to the next point the clubs injuries so far this season we have had a fair number of them and a number of which raise questions about Hughes and his staff and/or the moral within the club. Before the Villa game, we had Benjani(injered in training), then as the players where warming up in a supervised environment we lost Bojinov, again this asks questions of the skills of the people working at the club. Within weeks of that the club had to add Johnston and Etuhu to that list(again both injured outside match environment). Once we got Benjani back, he as you will all remember re-injured himself but continued to play in the next game only to knock himself out for months. Finally let's talk about the situation we Sturridge, as many have pointed out, IF the sort of money he is looking for is true, clearly he can't get it elsewhere then surely the answer is tied to the fact that under Hughes the club is unhappy and players would sooner play elsewhere for less than under Hughes. One interesting point I have noticed Bellamy(the player closest to Hughes)warms-up alone from the other players and with the coaching staff(before the team drills).