Something to be jealous of...

Big fan of Dortmund since I seen them at com's,
Fans and team are the benchmark for me they
Should win the champions leg.<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:04 pm --<br /><br />No show sec knobheads giving you shit .
Bembeltown said:
I could go on for hours, but the intention is just to give you an opportunity to see past Dortmund. :)

nice selection, Bembel :)

Still, i think, it´s unfair to compare the atmospheres of german clubs and City.

German grounds have standing sections. So there is natural division between fans that want to sing and bounce and those who just want to watch the match.

Standing allows ticket prices from 15-20 Euros. That´s why you find loads of young fans aged 15-25 in the stands, who like to create an atmosphere like this.

When there was a support boycott by the Ultras at the end of last year, it was quiet in many grounds in the Bundesliga. So what you see in the videos is mostly done by the Ultras. One expert recently said, that Ultras could be seen as the biggest youth movement in germany. It is a lifestyle. They produce their own merchandising, clothes, banners etc. Without those guys there wouldn´t be such kind of atmosphere in the Bundesliga.

Finally: Dortmund Boss Watzke recently said, some 2-3 clubs with only 500 away fans couls kill the Bundesliga roadshow in foreign countries. (he was talking about clubs like Hoffenheim and Wolfsburg of course). But what he meant: Atmosphere was and still is a main argument for selling Bundesliga tv rights abroad. That may change in the future with more stars playing in the Bundesliga now. But the clubs are interested in fans making some noise for marketing reasons (and the fans know that they are part of the deal, what currently leads to a lot of a conflicts between clubs and fans.)

So english football may have gone in a different direction in many aspects in the last 15 years than the Bundesliga. So you can´t compare the fan culture of City and Dortmund or Frankfurt without having that in mind.
Price will kill EPL eventually

the lack of standing areas will ensure the cemetery atmosphere continues, and as long as opponents of it cite hillsborough( wrongly) the situation where fans stand in seated areas (dangerous) will continue to cause conflict

the gulf between the 2 leagues is such that we will never get the same fan experience, there is not the will or the talent to look to the future. Short term profit is the m.o. of british business, higher and higher prices squeezing out the potential life-long fans of the future. The ownership rules of the Bundesliga are the fundamental difference, fan representation in the board-room is another. Clubs and councils work together instead of warring, a t.v. company does not dictate to the same extent.

a european league with 2 divisions modelled on the B'liga is not as far off as some may think, with the price of admission and fuel driving it.
Bembeltown said:
Some Pictures for the lazy ones:







the top one there - the eintracht frankfurt one is do-able and would be easy to do in the south stand "1..8..9..4" on the top tier - blue maroon blue flags at the bottom. club would be supportive of that. probably costs about £1200 to do properly. if we can raise more we could go to a surfer flag floating down from top tier to bottom. been speaking to people out there and people are up for contributing as long as they know what they are chipping in for - so we'll aim for the bigger style euro displays for next season. if we win the cup maybe a flag day last game v norwich although if we do win the cup the club might have their own celebration plans
@Ruhr: Fully aware that you can´t compare the atmosphere in Germany with England due to the different conditions. Just wanted to "educate" people that Dortmund is not the be all end all of football supporters.

Always getting a bit pissed with people on forums wanking themself silly about Dortmund just because they are current 2nd team of choice for half of Europe.

@wearethesouthstand: I really like the energy you (and your mates) seem to put into increasing the atmosphere in England. However be aware that the pictures posted have been organised by well established Ultra groups which have a pretty long experience in doing those kind of displays.

Believe the beginning of the Ultra movement in Frankfurt in the year 1997 they did "easy" mosaics as well and they looked horrible in comparison to the standard you can see in the pics.
The reason simply is that people back then were not used to hold up papers, stand under a flag for 10 minutes and listen to a guy with a megaphone who tries to coordinate everything so that everyone is holding stuff up at the right time and it looks like a proper picture.

Now over 15 years later people are used to it and are proud to be part of those displays, however it was a long road and believe me...what looks easy on the pictures definitely is not. Especially if the matchgoing city fans are as grumpy and negative as some of the users on BM when the discussion comes to improving the atmosphere.

I would really advise to start with something easy so you don´t make a fool out of yourself and end up discouraged.

Flag day is a great idea especially if a full stand is completely covered with them...just don´t go chealsea style and use sponsored ones! ;)
Bembeltown said:
@Ruhr: Fully aware that you can´t compare the atmosphere in Germany with England due to the different conditions. Just wanted to "educate" people that Dortmund is not the be all end all of football supporters.

Always getting a bit pissed with people on forums wanking themself silly about Dortmund just because they are current 2nd team of choice for half of Europe.

@wearethesouthstand: I really like the energy you (and your mates) seem to put into increasing the atmosphere in England. However be aware that the pictures posted have been organised by well established Ultra groups which have a pretty long experience in doing those kind of displays.

Believe the beginning of the Ultra movement in Frankfurt in the year 1997 they did "easy" mosaics as well and they looked horrible in comparison to the standard you can see in the pics.
The reason simply is that people back then were not used to hold up papers, stand under a flag for 10 minutes and listen to a guy with a megaphone who tries to coordinate everything so that everyone is holding stuff up at the right time and it looks like a proper picture.

Now over 15 years later people are used to it and are proud to be part of those displays, however it was a long road and believe me...what looks easy on the pictures definitely is not. Especially if the matchgoing city fans are as grumpy and negative as some of the users on BM when the discussion comes to improving the atmosphere.

I would really advise to start with something easy so you don´t make a fool out of yourself and end up discouraged.

Flag day is a great idea especially if a full stand is completely covered with them...just don´t go chealsea style and use sponsored ones! ;)

yeah we've been going 3/4 years under the blue alliance grouping but we are wanting to grow now as that way we can do some of these things earlier in the season from next year - there is a demand for dortmund style stuff but we are not an ultras group like they have abroad - we'll fundraise over time and put on some decent shows next year. we have done the "smaller" stuff this season, barnsley, watford , chelsea, also doing one last game v norwich, we had the confetti displays the year before, so small steps. we are being low profile about it as no point building peoples hops up on stuff, once we get a few quid we can do better stuff
Bembeltown said:
Always getting a bit pissed with people on forums wanking themself silly about Dortmund just because they are current 2nd team of choice for half of Europe.

i´m with the other half :)
spoke to ric and he says we can start using the bluemoon paypal address to fundraise now so will speak to kev parker and circulate details of this forum and the paypal address amongst the branches. the club have agreed "in principle" to a dortmund style display for next season and have asked for even more ideas. so all good news.

paypal address is : and he will collate all payments

it's a slow burner this given the time of year and the fact we are behind in the league

we can do a flag day against norwich last game but the plan is to fundraise on this forum and the main forum from mid june when the fixtures come out through until early september first champs league game.
We've done the crowd mosaic a couple of times, and what's happened? Everyone's agreed it looks great, then several hundred dickheads bombard an opposition player with screwed up cardboard, or spend the next hour making paper aeroplanes and throwing them towards the pitch.
And people on here wonder why the club are happier not to bother.

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