South Stand M1

M1 is getting worse steward scanning and searching everybody you get close to them you got to take your hat off unzip coat unzip jacket take everything out your pockets then spin around with them scanning you as slow as they can then your at the gate putting everything away and zipping back up I just want to go to the football
M1 is always a huge snaked queue but at least it moves constantly. M2 where I go in is usually very small in comparison. last 2 games its been double if not triple the size and moves at a snails pace though. we've gone from 3 person checks to just the 2 for some reason. I had heard somebody say they were short staffed midweek so that might have been the issue.

Also noticed the scanners aren't working properly last 2 games. I'm on android and can usually just hold my phone up to the thing and get beeped in with no issues, against the dippers it wouldn't work and required me to stick it in the actual slot for once and then Leipzig the same again and even that didn't work and needed me to click on show code before scanning me in. Perhaps system problems or changes? I've never had these issues before.

I agree with this. I'm in the South Stand usually and despite the airport like queue it moves rather quickly- presumably because we're mostly regulars and know what we are doing. I've been in the Colin Bell a few times this season and it takes absolutely ages to get inside as every other person seems clueless as to what to do at the turnstiles. Then when you get to the seat there's always people clueless as to where they're meant to be, looking up and down the aisle half way into a block and then re-checking their phone. Much prefer it in the South Stand.
It's not making me feel particularly better but it was as good as it's ever been today. Got to the queue (hardly one actually) at 4.02 and was through the turnstile in less than three minutes. No unzipping coats or taking hats off as with the Liverpool game.
Was ok getting in yesterday, agree with what someone said re the actual scanning of tickets on the turnstiles though, when i scanned my ticket yesterday it flashed red and wouldnt let me through then scanned the same ticket again and went green and got through. Seemed to be happennig to a few people
Noticed a lot of queues and issues at turnstiles for Liverpool and Leipzig. it's been awful recently.
Totally different set up tonight and very dynamic. They were changing the layout of the barriers in relation to the queues. Effectively no queues as was through in about two minutes from getting off the bus

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