Special Brew

No, I also don't enjoy sleeping on benches and pissing in my own shoes. Give your head a wobble mate, it's proper tramp juice and tastes shit even when chilled to within a degree of freezing.
Not since I got hammered on it when I was about 18. Collapsed in the toilets in a nightclub and had to be carried out. No taxi would pick me up as I was so pissed - my mate had to ring my Mum at 1.30 to come and pick us up. That didn't go down well.
There comes a time when desperation takes hold and you've no choice but to get leathered on special brew.

Usually I'd avoid it but it's always an option and that gives me comfort.
No word of a lie, a man cycled past me the other day outside my local Tesco. He was in a Dippers' shirt and a baseball cap, one hand on his handle bars and the other wrapped lovingly around a can of Special Brew. He was all over the place, God knows how he didn't fall off. Anyway, he stops outside the entrance and his friend comes out with a few cans of Special Brew, hands him a new can, gets on his bike and they cycle off together. It was magical and would have made a great advert for the product.

Edit: It was about 11am.
Go to Copenhagen and try the Elephant beer.Horrendous hangover. Worst ever.
Basically the same stuff but they just send us their crap. I think theirs is 10% and it as smooth as silk.
The father-in-law (god rest his soul) doted on special brew ...... every time i saw him he had a can in his hand , and he'd do his level best to make sure i had one too , even though i couldn't stand the fuckin' stuff!

He was a bit of a character , to say the very least , and a few cans of that stuff only made him more of one ....... i couldn't understand a word he was saying after he'd polished a few of those off !
Drank it once and once only. I finished working on a building site and 'cos it was my last day, got to go at dinner time. Got dropped off at an ex's mate's flat who I knew could be up for it. We went to the shops for milk for a brew but I suggested having a proper drink. I bought 4 cans of Special Brew. We drank 2 each and flirted. The next thing, she was pissed and we were at it on the living room floor with 'Tender' by Blur playing on repeat in the background.
A good few years back, me and my mate decided to have a Special Brew evening and polished off a good few cans in a pub.

It was foul, but after the first few sips you get accustomed to it!!

Got to a point and we decided enough is enough, lets have something "easier" to drink.

Finished the night on "those easier to drink" Newcastle Brown Ales!!!

Next day - a waste of a day of my life

Not had Special Brew since (or that Brown Ale shite either!!!)

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