SSN & City

Didsbury Dave said:
Sorry Dodge. I did read your post and you qualified it well. Your point was essentially correct in my opinion.

I'm not aiming my comments at you, it's some of the "they're all rags because they showed some other players goal against City"/"Lawro predicts we'll draw he's a rag" type sentiments I'm referring to.

Which is what this thread is about??? Sky very rarely show us in a good light, it's only fair that we complain to each other about it.
gio's side step said:
Ok, I have been bottling this up. Time to vent.

The whole thing is a fucking paradox. The people having a pop at City are the very people who have created the conditions of postmodern football. I am tired of constantly reading and hearing about the ethically problematic and immoral nature of City and the billions, the cheap way of creating ourselves as a big tophy winning club, how we will never have the 'history' of Utd, Liverpool and so on. The constant anti-city media discourse by the Murdoch press, all part of the current global elite which are intent on doing all they can to keep the status quo. It is as a result of the socio political climate which they have created, which has led to the inevitable situation which we have found ourselves in.

Liverpool fans constantly tell me, how dare we throw these millions at football and expect to be a huge club, winning trophies over night, how we lack the class of their history etc. Are these self deceived plebs really expecting a middle rank club which a title or two, a few FA cups, to suddenly appoint a scott (as they did when relegated to division 2 in 1959) and build a dynasty on a shoe string? These clubs, Liverpool, Utd etc, were a product of the 50's, and it needs putting into a socio-political context. Football was about modernity. It was about progress. But there was to a certain extent, a level playing field. Clubs had a chance. Fast forward 30 years, on the back of the acceleration of globablisation, post thatcher politics, the taylor report, BSkyB, formation of the Premier League, Champions League, Bosman era, we have gone past the point of ethical progress to a certain extent. Global capitalism has accelerated at such a rate, that the only way a middle rank club can obtain any form of power, is through a ridiculous amount of investment.

Then City come along. And provide that investment example. What is the alternative? Stay 12th like Sunderland forever? Based on the ethics of not interupting the top 4 'historical' clubs? We hear these stupd arguments, why would Torres move to a club like City? not for football reasons? Torres should ask himself, who are more likely to win the PL in the next few years? City or Liverpool? who are more likely to play CL football in the next two years? City or Liverpool? Then the argument again turns to, why would Torres join a club with no history? Its pathetic. Do these supporters, and the idiots at Sky, honestly expect an Everton with no money, a Villa, to win the PL? To constantly qualify for CL football? They might get close on occasions, but it isnt sustainable without huge investment.

All City are doing, is what is required in order to break into the global elite. Anyone arguing alternatively are fooling themselves. I empathise with the Marxist critics, I do. But when did Utd fans become Marxists? As a result of City's takeover? They protest against the very existence they have been too happy to create and support over the past 20 years. Add to that the point that these clubs have been spending these sums of money over a 10 year sustainable period, whilst we spend it in two seasons. I have given them far too much of my time today, but had to get it off my chest. As City fans, there will be some things about it we don't like. Just as there are things about capitalism I don't particularly like. But it is the acceleration of globablisation and the political football elite who have created the very conditions out of which we now emerge. And ironically, it is those who don't like us very much.

As Keegan proclaimed, I would love it if we beat them to a trophy this season. Love it!

Much of this is true. But you don't need to go back to the 50's. Liverpool spent most of the 50's and early 60's outside the top flight while we were a top flight side. They had no history then of course. They dominated through the 70's cos Littlewoods Pools bankrolled them from being a lower league side into a trophy winning side. That was wrong of course as any Liverpool fan who moans about City will doubtless tell you ;-)

Through the 70's we finished higher than the rags more often that vice verca and unlike them we were a top flight side throughout. They had no history before that of course. Then they pushed for the formation of the Premier League to retain more gate/ $ky TV money and sold out to the City, using the bankers money from the stock exchange to bankroll themselves from a struggling lower league side in the 70's into a trophy winning side in the 80's and beyond. That was wrong of course as any rag fan who moans about City will doubtless tell you ;-)

Then of course City missed the gravy train and struggled through the 80's and 90's as we did not have the money to compete though we tried and even managed to finish above the money bags rags and scousers during the 90's.
You needed money. Even Leeds and Blackburn won titles when given sufficient cash. Going back further Derby and Forest managed it too once Clough splashed the cash and broke transfer records and established wage structures. Then more recently along come Chelsea fresh from having no history in the second division but with Harding and Abramovich to spend the money that was needed to turn them into contenders.

There is nothing new in football. It's our turn now. Perception of football history and the leagues ''natural order'' are all dependent on the point in time when you start following football as I have shown above. Unfortunately $ky rarely recognises that football existed before it came on the scene even though $ky sports itself had no history before 1992. If it took its head out of its own arse and stopped pretending that football only goes back 18 years then perhaps they might give fairer coverage to ALL football teams and respect and uphold their traditions and their histories to the greater good of the game as a whole, instead of constantly promoting the favoured few through self-interest who just happened to be in the right place at the right time and fuck all the rest.

Bollox to feckin $ky and the FA Premier League cartel who have ruined football. Armchair plastics count more than proper football fans to them so they continue to perpetuate their self-serving myths to the gullible and uninformed.

Bring back the Football League and a competition that anyone can win and is actively encouraged to do so whatever that takes.
hertsblue said:
+ the fact they had to throw in "paid 19 million for him. 2 years ago lazio bought him for 600k"

Funny when Smalling joined Utd for 10 million they didnt add played 12 games for Maidstone before Fulham bought him for a tiny fee and he played 13 games for fulham and Utd paid 10 million after 13 games"

Forgot about that bit, I thik I was shaking my head too much!

Ha ha, The rag at work is not liking Smalling! He said he'd already caused a penalty on the preseason tour by rugby tackling a striker!!! and He was banging on about him last season after he'd signed and how crap he looked for Fulham! ha ha, this could be the biggest waste of money transfer this year :D
SSN & City

hertsblue said:
+ the fact they had to throw in "paid 19 million for him. 2 years ago lazio bought him for 600k"

Funny when Smalling joined Utd for 10 million they didnt add played 12 games for Maidstone before Fulham bought him for a tiny fee and he played 13 games for fulham and Utd paid 10 million after 13 games"
Great post I like it hate Ssn teats
Balti said:
Then of course City missed the gravy train and struggled through the 80's and 90's as we did not have the money to compete though we tried and even managed to finish above the money bags rags and scousers during the 90's.
You needed money. Even Leeds and Blackburn won titles when given sufficient cash. Going back further Derby and Forest managed it too once Clough splashed the cash and broke transfer records and established wage structures. Then more recently along come Chelsea fresh from having no history in the second division but with Harding and Abramovich to spend the money that was needed to turn them into contenders.

There is nothing new in football. It's our turn now. Perception of football history and the leagues ''natural order'' are all dependent on the point in time when you start following football as I have shown above.
You make some excellent points. The question is, will we be as arrogant and fearful once our turn has taken it's course? I'm thinking a 20year period of several titles and a couple of CL's!!!!?<br /><br />-- Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:04 pm --<br /><br />Apologies for the 'quotes'. Still new to this
I don't think the problem will lie with the older City fans being overly arrogant (we all are to an extent!), the ones that have seen the bad times in the lower leagues, the crap football, the 10 home goals in one season. We know where we've come from. The problem will lie in the new fans, the ones that come or are born into instant success and it's up to us to keep them and ourselfs grounded and humble. We despise so much of the characteristics of Fergiescum and the Rags... we need to remember this. Pride in Battle, Humble in defeat.
des hardi said:
here s an idea turn off sky sports news and boycott the woman!

here's an idea.......listen, watch, don't let it worry you and say "bugger all" about what they are saying at the moment.

Keep your powder dry & I will guarantee that their reporting will be turned on its head within the space of 2 years, as it has been with Chelski and Spuds. They will be falling over themselves to keep on the right side of MCFC - as we have the potential to be the biggest club in England over and above their "Big 4" clubs & Spuds. Trust me...........

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