Doesnt look good does it :0( ?
This story begins in 1139, while on a visit to Rome, when St. Malachy reportedly had a vision seeing the succession of the 112 popes who'd follow Pope Celestine II until the end of time. Although the prophecies are cryptic and esoteric to some, many historians believe they've proved remarkably accurate in describing each successive pope.
Now, after many centuries, the sobering truth is that we're down to the last popes in the prophecy. The current pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI is the 111th pope, and the next will be The Final Pope in Malachy's prophecy --- the 112th pope. According to Malachy, he'll be the pope who reigns when Jesus returns to judge mankind.
So, what exactly does the last prophecy say about the 112th pope? It says: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman), who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the formidable (also translated, “dreaded” or “dreadful”) Judge will judge the people. The End.”