Stan Collymore

The only time Ive enjoyed listening to Stan...

tan - "Last caller, from Milton Keynes,what's your point?"

Caller - "Hello Stan - I just wanted to say that I think Sven should take you over to the World Cup"

Stan (clearly flattered - and utterly unable to see the sucker punch coming up) - "Oh yes, why?"

Caller "Well, you're an expert on beating Swedes."

Stan "Get him off!"
LOL he just blocked me.

"Unlucky stanley, hope you can find some interesting ways to pass the time #cantwinarguementjustshoutlouder #p45"
It's the only thing he can do, shout very loudly down a microphone,

100% agree. Like all bullies he can't handle someone coming back at him. Joey Barton is not one my favourites, I have to say: but he was trying to get his point across articulately and with a degree of rationality. Collymoron on the other hand just seemed surprised that someone had the nerve to have a different viewpoint to him and was not afraid to air that view, so he resorted to shouting.
I believe he was given his marching orders because of his lack of professionalism in constantly trying to reduce a debate to a slanging match.

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