The bit with Snoke is the most irking to me, yes originally we never got Palpatines background but thanks to the prequels we do now. This trilogy follows on from ROTJ, so where and how did Snoke step into the emperors role? Did he read on the news the emperors dead and thought I’ll have a bit of that, then he rocks up at the first order door and takes over!
From what I’ve read JJ had a plan for the trilogy, Johnson then came in and totally disregarded it and did what the fuck he wanted, with JJ now back for the final part, he’s going to have to go some to correct the mess. Leia was supposed to have a huge role in 9 and they could/should’ve killed her off in 8 because of Fishers death, ideally I’d have had her fly the ship into Snoke ship. JJ is now going to have to use a force ghost in 9 to help save the day.
What about the knights of REN where the fuck are they? It’s all a mess, even Lucas had a draft for 7,8,9 and Disney threw it in the bin once they’d bought him out, they could have took the premise and timeline of the Lucas trilogy and tweaked it a bit, the whole 9 episodes are supposed to be about the Skywalker journey, I’m sure Rey is his daughter but again we get something along the lines her parents were nobodies, I call bullshit.
As you can tell I’m a bit fucking angry, two years waiting for Luke to get bad ass on the empire and basically disappears like Yoda.