Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Now I know how people who grew up when the original 3 Star Wars came out felt walking away from the Phantom Menace.

Absolutely woeful film, he's completely ruined the saga. Most of it didn't make sense, Luke's character development was incredibly disappointing and was nothing on the original Obi Wan, which I was hoping for.

It was cringeworthy throughout, the force scenes were terrible, Finn's character doesn't develop at all. I ended up disliking Luke and Leia.

Some of it seemed to be trying too hard as well. Rogue One was so good they probably felt like they had to do something different but it was just a massive shit heap.

It didn't feel like Star Wars.
6/10. worst star wars film.
story exposition was clearly lacking.
the multiple forced comedy bits were just uncomfortable.
I thought the movie was good, but very "Disney-fied". It was entertaining while I was in the theater and I was thoroughly immersed while watching, but looking back a good bit of the plot made no sense and I feel they really mishandled half the characters. Just my opinion, but these changes would've made the overall film an all-timer:
  • Finn should've died sacrificing himself in the end. The writers didn't seem to have much of an idea of what to do with his character in this movie. His whole story was a sidenote and I don't see that changing in the next sequel. His death would've actually created stakes for the series. Right now, the new generation of characters feels immortal and the last-minute-save seemed like a shoehorned "love" trope. His death also would've completed his character arc, going from a deserter and kind of a pussy to sacrificing himself to further the cause of the rebellion
  • The whole "space-Monaco" sub plot should have been scrapped, and that 30 minutes could've been used somewhere else. I have no idea what it actually added to the film, as neither the Empire's or the Rebel's plot was impacted by it in anyway. They went to find some random hacker-dude (this alone makes no sense), laid eyes on him for about 2 seconds, found another random dude with a weird lisp, only for him to end up betraying them and then for them to (shockingly!) escape. Again, I can't reiterate how this whole plot was all for nothing as it had no bearing on the outcome or either sides plans
  • Space Mary Poppins Leia was cringey and made no sense. That was an ideal moment to either kill Leia off in dramatic fashion, or just have her injured without being blasted into space and force floating back in. I get that this introduced the purple-haired Laura Dern character, but again I feel she was mis-handled. The whole is she bad/is she good mutiny felt forced and I really didn't care much while watching. I do think her sacrifice was quite breathtaking but would've worked just as well without the mutiny bit. Honestly, if you wanted to create tension or a power vacuum - I think a Poe vs Finn struggle would've been more interesting considering their history, and a better use of Finn than space-Monaco
  • They should've taken just some time to explain where Snoke came from. I get the purpose he served in completing Ren's downfall. However, he was about as boring as a villain as there can be because we have no idea how rose to power and took up the reins of this massive empire. How did he fly under the radar of the previous Jedi/Vader and appear out of thin air as head of a massive empire like 20 years later? I feel a 5 minute flashback or even a cursory voiceover - maybe showing him taking Ren under his wing after the incident with Luke, continuing to push him to the dark side - would've helped me link the two series together.
  • I felt that we needed just a bit more time with Rey and Luke. Maybe just a bit more of him teaching her to use the force (hey - maybe how to lift the rocks like shed did at the end of the film to save everyone?!?), or further alluding to her being drawn to the dark side. They just didn't seem to have a whole lot of time together, and I think that just a little more time building their relationship and expanding on Luke's fear of her falling to the dark side would've been useful
Get at me, Disney!
Didn't mind it,
Tied up some lose threads from TFA though then set up more.

The humour bits were a bit meh.

The rose and finn casino trip seemed like a pointless part if it was used to give him some story but seemed more as a way to highlight the greed and decedance of the war profiteers as a social comment as is the trend in hollywood,
but I suspect benedict del torros charactor is gonna return and that was also to help set that charactor up, plus was to link the final scene of the child.

Leia space walk, lukes astral projection and ren/rey mind link have all been seen before in the wider SW universe (luke used to astral project in dark empire series) and the rebels series has highlighted many far fetched force powers in the darth maul arc so non of them seemed that OTT, plus the possibility of jedi's and sith flying has been mentioned.

I did think the first bit of the Snoke scene was directly partially ripped off from ROTJ emperor tempting luke scene while watching the rebels get destroyed, amd I ain't arsed we have no history for snoke as we had none for palpatine in the original trilogy and there is scope for other star wars stories like rogue one set between jedi and force that will reveal all that.

Lastly luke just becoming one with the force when he died and vnishing, Well yoda and ben did the same, read some people can it ridiculous yet has happened before.

Anyway not the best, but not totally terrible 7/10 at best.
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The bit with Snoke is the most irking to me, yes originally we never got Palpatines background but thanks to the prequels we do now. This trilogy follows on from ROTJ, so where and how did Snoke step into the emperors role? Did he read on the news the emperors dead and thought I’ll have a bit of that, then he rocks up at the first order door and takes over!
From what I’ve read JJ had a plan for the trilogy, Johnson then came in and totally disregarded it and did what the fuck he wanted, with JJ now back for the final part, he’s going to have to go some to correct the mess. Leia was supposed to have a huge role in 9 and they could/should’ve killed her off in 8 because of Fishers death, ideally I’d have had her fly the ship into Snoke ship. JJ is now going to have to use a force ghost in 9 to help save the day.
What about the knights of REN where the fuck are they? It’s all a mess, even Lucas had a draft for 7,8,9 and Disney threw it in the bin once they’d bought him out, they could have took the premise and timeline of the Lucas trilogy and tweaked it a bit, the whole 9 episodes are supposed to be about the Skywalker journey, I’m sure Rey is his daughter but again we get something along the lines her parents were nobodies, I call bullshit.
As you can tell I’m a bit fucking angry, two years waiting for Luke to get bad ass on the empire and basically disappears like Yoda.
So why didn’t JJ have this film?

JJ became a exec producer after the force awakens with no intention of directing 8 or 9, however Rian has been given a seperate trilogy to create in the SW universe and wasn't going to to direct IX anyway, however the director colin trevorrow pulled out so JJ has stepped back in

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