Starting XI for next season, your prediction.

blinkblue said:
I've seen you post Romero as a back up option on a few threads mate, but I'll tell you right now, he won't come to a club where he is second fiiddle, he's too good for that.
it was just that rumour about Mino Raiola "looking after" Romero that got me started - I was convinced Keiren Westwood was on his way here too so maybe that's a clue to my powers of prediction...

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=10&t=224884&start=10</a>
alky313 said:
I sure do hope AJ gets some games. It's a bittersweet pill when the talent you buy outstrips your favorite players ability.
Perhaps, it is time to get a new favorite player then :)
____________________DE JONG_______________

BENCH:- Given, Zabaleta, Lescott, A.Johnson, Milner, Barry, Balotelli.

Title in the bag :-)
Bluemooner33 said:
____________________DE JONG_______________

Title in the bag :-)
More like:

__________________DE JONG_________________

Can't see Bobby playing the diamond, or playing with two out and out strikers.
blinkblue said:
Bluemooner33 said:
____________________DE JONG_______________

Title in the bag :-)
More like:

__________________DE JONG_________________

Can't see Bobby playing the diamond, or playing with two out and out strikers.

No, he will prob bin one of the strikers and bring Barry into that MF 3 with Nasri and Silva playing off Augero or Dzeko. ....(.reaches for box of kleenex :-0) LoL
Bluemooner33 said:
blinkblue said:
Bluemooner33 said:
____________________DE JONG_______________

Title in the bag :-)
More like:

__________________DE JONG_________________

Can't see Bobby playing the diamond, or playing with two out and out strikers.

No, he will prob bin one of the strikers and bring Barry into that MF 3 with Nasri and Silva playing off Augero or Dzeko. ....(.reaches for box of kleenex :-0) LoL

I can't see Barrygetting as many games as he did last season this season.




20sbc07 said:





Fixed :)



Silva* ______________ Nasri* __________ Aguero*

_________________ Balotelli* ________________

* Inter-changable.

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