
A 199 year lease is a good as owning it.

There is already the Mercer mosaic thing.

I'm not sure where they would go though.
Sorry for being an older fan,but unlike Liverpool we have a history before the sixties,which I believe plays a part of whom and what City are today.

So lets not forget Bert Trautmann,Tommy Johnson and many others and going back further Herbert Mangnall(hope I spelt it right) and definitely Anna Connell .They are our history and the fabric of City so without them there would be no Dickov,The Goat etc.and in my opinion should be remembered with a statue.

Rant over
First superstar: Billy Meredith
All-time top scorer: Eric Brook
All-time appearances record: Alan Oakes
Longest time served with the club: Frank Swift
All-time best player: Colin Bell
Most decorated player: Mike Doyle

Best managers: Wilf Wild, Joe Mercer
I like the Mercer mosaic, would be good to have plenty of them scattered around with iconic images from our history.
moomba said:
I like the Mercer mosaic, would be good to have plenty of them scattered around with iconic images from our history.
And it's much more unique and original than a statue. Maybe we could have mosaics of our entire Hall of Fame, I think that would be great!

Joe Corrigan
Tony Book
Francis Lee
Frank Swift
Billy Meredith
Peter Doherty
Roy Paul
Bert Trautmann
Tommy Johnson
Eric Brook
Paul Lake
Colin Bell
Niall Quinn
Mike Summerbee
Alan Oakes
Sam Cowan
Mike Doyle
Ernie Toseland
Fred Tilson
Neil Young
Uwe Rosler
Roy Clarke
Johnny Hart
Alex Williams
Ken Barnes
Bernard Halford<br /><br />-- Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:20 pm --<br /><br />
Alan Oakes Shinpads said:
Sorry for being an older fan,but unlike Liverpool we have a history before the sixties,which I believe plays a part of whom and what City are today.

So lets not forget Bert Trautmann,Tommy Johnson and many others and going back further Herbert Mangnall(hope I spelt it right) and definitely Anna Connell .They are our history and the fabric of City so without them there would be no Dickov,The Goat etc.and in my opinion should be remembered with a statue.

Rant over
While I agree with you about some of that - I do think that there's an over-indulgence in our team from the late 60's when we have historical figures of the same importance and quality to the club from further back in history that rarely get a mention - I must point out that Liverpool won five league titles before the 60's.
Alan Oakes Shinpads said:
Sorry for being an older fan,but unlike Liverpool we have a history before the sixties,which I believe plays a part of whom and what City are today.

So lets not forget Bert Trautmann,Tommy Johnson and many others and going back further Herbert Mangnall(hope I spelt it right) and definitely Anna Connell .They are our history and the fabric of City so without them there would be no Dickov,The Goat etc.and in my opinion should be remembered with a statue.

Rant over
Wasn't it recently discovered that Anna Connell had much less to do with our origins than previously thought? I'm sure I remember Gary James posting something about this in the last 12 months. Apologies if I'm wrong.

But I agree with your sentiment that we shouldn't use the late 60s as the starting point when it comes to referencing our history around the stadium.

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