Stephen Ireland on premier league wages

spanishblue said:
I never saw SI in this light before but he is showing what an utter cock he is.
It is obvious now why were desperate to get rid of him and to the Villa fans who thought they were getting the better deal what now.
Thanks Stevie for making it easier to say goodbye
It's sad that it's ended this way and quite remarkable that Stepehn has talked himself into a situation where he is now akin to public enemy No.1 at City when he could have expected a hero's return only a few days ago.

The City hieracrchy have obviously thoroughly pissed him off, but he's been handsomely compensated for the inconvenience and the only people impacted by his ongoing childish tantrum are the fans, so there really is no need for it anymore.

Stephen's number-one priority should now be his new career at Aston Villa and I wish he'd just keep his head down and get on with winning over his new supporters. He's not one of their own, so he won't get the easy ride that home-grown players tend to get, and the longer he keeps banging on about City, the more he will alienate the Villa fans, because it is clear at the moment that he'd rather not be there.

So please button it now Stephen because all you're succeeding in doing at the moment is to piss off two sets of supporters who wish you well, and that won't help you at all in the long run.
stephen ireland on being a twat, im suprised puffin books havent picked this up yet
He's acting like a jilted lover, bitter and twisted.He needs to keep his mouth shut and concentrate on his new team instead.He had quite a lot of sympathy in the begining but he's just lost it.
Makes me so mad when they say decent wages!!!!FFS try living on minimum wage. Tosser good ridence. I can't wait, and one day it will happen, a player will come along and say as part of his deal he will play for a couple of grand a week and get a house and car thrown in!!
spike549 said:
Makes me so mad when they say decent wages!!!!FFS try living on minimum wage. Tosser good ridence. I can't wait, and one day it will happen, a player will come along and say as part of his deal he will play for a couple of grand a week and get a house and car thrown in!!
I can't remember who it is, but this has already happened. And fairly recently too. Think it was in Italy.
after watching him play on sunday,
he needs to rethink this, he;s was shocking as ireland
its not always greener on the other side
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
waspish said:
I'm coming round to thinking that way myself now. I feel he needs another interest off the field like breeding exotic fish or something because I feel he'll be dropping down the leagues pretty rapidly in the next 2 to 5 years!

he is just displaying in public everything ive been told and know myself, he's a grade A cock,,,,,,
all the Ireland brigade will say however is he was 'misquoted', how the fuck do you misquote 'im worth every penny' and 'what i call decent money', he's a thick gypo who should find himself extremely lucky he isn't living on a campsite with the rest of his pikey family.
Careful zim I was banned for calling him that yesterday until ric just interviend
Da_Blu_Moona said:

Stephen Ireland insists Premier League footballers are fully deserving of their lavish wage slips.

Ireland instantly became the biggest earning star in the Aston Villa dressing room when he signed for the midlands club earlier this week, but he has no qualms in insisting the likes of Robbie Keane, Steven Gerrard and Wayne Rooney are worthy of their lavish earnings.

"It's not up to me to argue what any footballer should be paid and I don't have any problem in saying I'm worth the money I'm getting now," insists Ireland, who has just been handed a multi-million pound severance payment to leave Manchester City and join Aston Villa.

"I was City's Player of the Year last season and things went well for me, so I earned the right to be paid the same as most of the other players who were in the team around me every week.

"A lot of my team-mates were on much bigger money than me at City for a long time and I'd say I have only been on what I would call decent money in the last year or so. People like Micah Richards and Michael Johnson earned more than me at times when they were not even in the first eleven.

"The reports say Yaya Toure is earning £220,000 a week at City this season and it's not his fault if they want to pay him that much. He's got every right to take the money that's offered to him and anyone would do that if they were in his position.

"People find it hard to get their heads around the sort of money footballers earn, but the television money is there and the owners at City are happy to pay these wages, so there's is no reason not to take advantage of the situation."

Multi-millionaire Ireland is planning to move his family from the £5 million Manchester mansion he has used as his base in recent years and admits he has already started hunting for a house near to Villa's training base in Warwickshire.

Becoming quite the expert on all topics in football isn't he ol' stevie....

I have to say i'm surprised by his lack of proffesionalism in the micah and jono comment...
I'm surprised people are surprised, most footballers think like this but just have the sense to not talk about it. I suppose it's a bit like the Queen coming out and talking about when her finger went through the toilet paper, or the Pope bigging up power wanks!

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