Interesting that several posters quite happily justify their double standards, correctly criticising the deplorable racial abuse of their chairman while remaining utterly silent on the homophobia, sexism and human rights abuse propped up by the royal family who own their club, by assuming I'm a Liverpool supporter doing the same ... I'm not. I'll quite happily point out the hypocrisy rampant in both sets of supporters.
Until you lot even consider talking about the problems with your owners' support of human rights abuse, indentured servitude, the illegality of homosexuality in Abu Dhabi, it's difficult to take your complaints about racism seriously. The same goes for the dippers banging on about the 96 while pretending the 39 never happened. Your clubs are like two peas in a pod in that respect.
You support imposing western values on third world countries, deary me have you not learnt from the mess in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan etc.
Anyway trying to bring politics into a football forumn is desperate, probably because other than empty seats you have nothing to cling to.