Steven Howard is a c**t


Well-Known Member
20 Feb 2009
Just down the road
Steven Howard of the sun has a rather different view than most on the game last night (apologies if posted couldn't see it)

Steven Howard opted to shower his praise on United, despite the Red Devils losing the match. “It is on nights like these that United show all their old character. Yes, they have blown hot and cold all season, with some woeful displays against teams that, in the past, they would have wiped off the map without breaking sweat. Yet as they showed at Stamford Bridge, they can still rise to the occasion - even in defeat. And so it was last night, when, trailing 2-1, they played their best football. Antonio Valencia, Michael Owen and Rooney might all have scored to procure the draw their overall superiority deserved.”

as if
just read that, everyone is so biased towards us its unbelievable, even shearer last night said unfortunately bellamy had the right back in his pocket,
they talked about how bad the defending was for our second goal not how good our goal was,
they make me sick,,,
Hughes_head_scout said:
Steven Howard of the sun has a rather different view than most on the game last night (apologies if posted couldn't see it)

Steven Howard opted to shower his praise on United, despite the Red Devils losing the match. “It is on nights like these that United show all their old character. Yes, they have blown hot and cold all season, with some woeful displays against teams that, in the past, they would have wiped off the map without breaking sweat. Yet as they showed at Stamford Bridge, they can still rise to the occasion - even in defeat. And so it was last night, when, trailing 2-1, they played their best football. Antonio Valencia, Michael Owen and Rooney might all have scored to procure the draw their overall superiority deserved.”

as if

Praising a team for what they might have done is in itself insulting...It just emphasises that they failed....

how can you play your best football and not score ?? what a Tit.
KenTheLandlord said:
Valencia was offside, so no chance created. Howard you are a bad tit.

I was with a rag watcing the game and he said the linesman should have given valencia "the benefit of the doubt". My retort was "Yea there was no doubt about it, he was offside. Do you lot know nothing about football"
samharris said:
Hughes_head_scout said:
Steven Howard of the sun has a rather different view than most on the game last night (apologies if posted couldn't see it)

Steven Howard opted to shower his praise on United, despite the Red Devils losing the match. “It is on nights like these that United show all their old character. Yes, they have blown hot and cold all season, with some woeful displays against teams that, in the past, they would have wiped off the map without breaking sweat. Yet as they showed at Stamford Bridge, they can still rise to the occasion - even in defeat. And so it was last night, when, trailing 2-1, they played their best football. Antonio Valencia, Michael Owen and Rooney might all have scored to procure the draw their overall superiority deserved.”

as if

Praising a team for what they might have done is in itself insulting...It just emphasises that they failed....

how can you play your best football and not score ?? what a Tit.

Well look at it this way, They play theire best and cant beat us, that is a compliment in itself, as years ago they wouldnt have to play well and still beat us

Ignore the jumped up media pricks

Graceyboy said:
samharris said:
Praising a team for what they might have done is in itself insulting...It just emphasises that they failed....

how can you play your best football and not score ?? what a Tit.

Well look at it this way, They play theire best and cant beat us, that is a compliment in itself, as years ago they wouldnt have to play well and still beat us

Ignore the jumped up media pricks


Spot on. Cant wait for the second leg
Ignore the rag tit, unless he is pointing out they played well and still couldnt win, we didnt play as well as we can and still beat the scum. Not long ago, they beat us without being at their best, we had to be at our best to beat them!

The tide is maybe turning quicker than any of us thought, cant wait for next week to finish them off for good.
I hope he's right!

If that was classic utd then bring it on!

A few years back a decent rag side against us with 7 or 8 key injuries would have fucking ran riot. As it was they LOST!

Let the rags make excuses, it changes nothing.

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