Steward on car park

Did anybody else see the steward fighting with fans on the path to the car park?

Bottom of Joe Mercer way just before the road

Couldn't see it properly as it was too crowded but it went on for a good minute or two

The steward was a big unit and when it had all broken up he stormed off up Joe Mercer way and punched a metal sign, made a right noise

The other stewards all looked a bit shocked
I think there are probably two sides to this story.

I don't know why people bother working for show-sec. Get paid fuck all and constantly get shit whilst working. The stewards near me are great, really get on with them. When you bother to talk to them you'll realise they're actually human beings, who probably go home miserable after being told their a wanker for trying to put bread on the table.
I think there are probably two sides to this story.

I don't know why people bother working for show-sec. Get paid fuck all and constantly get shit whilst working. The stewards near me are great, really get on with them. When you bother to talk to them you'll realise they're actually human beings, who probably go home miserable after being told their a wanker for trying to put bread on the table.
80% are useless and not fit for purpose outside the ground which isn't going to change however, inside in the 'flash point' areas around the aways I'd suggest City actually employ people with training and understanding.

Make no mistake as it stands (pun intended) it's going to go off again this season with them I can only comment about SS3 but it'll turn nasty it's building up every game.
80% are useless and not fit for purpose outside the ground which isn't going to change however, inside in the 'flash point' areas around the aways I'd suggest City actually employ people with training and understanding.

Make no mistake as it stands (pun intended) it's going to go off again this season with them I can only comment about SS3 but it'll turn nasty it's building up every game.
You're right. If you pay peanuts you're going to get monkeys. But that isn't the monkey's fault.

I'm in SSL1 and ALL the stewards I've been in contact with are great. The club make a rod for their own back, we know SSL1 is a standing area. There was more confusion about SSL3, if the club came out on season ticket renewals and said SSL3 is going to have a clamp down on standing then no-one could complain.
The stewarding in the SS third tier is getting to the stage where they look like they are wanting it to kick off,one of them in particular is a proper smug bastard and is without a doubt going to get leathered by someone soon, for a good 10 to 15 minutes during the first half I spent more time watching an incident between the stewards and some fans as the fuckin idiots had blocked my view. .
80% are useless and not fit for purpose outside the ground which isn't going to change however, inside in the 'flash point' areas around the aways I'd suggest City actually employ people with training and understanding.

Make no mistake as it stands (pun intended) it's going to go off again this season with them I can only comment about SS3 but it'll turn nasty it's building up every game.

I agree with the ones outside being the most useless and obnoxious, I had a run in with one outside on Saturday as he let two groups of lads jump straight to the front of the queue to join their mates delaying me further from getting in. He then pounced on me for putting my empty can on the floor as I waited in spite of no bins being in my sight at the time otherwise I would have used it. When I mentioned if he would have been as efficient at stopping queue jumpers I would be in the ground now it deteriorated from there. He lost the argument but came back to provoke me further and used his ace card about refusing me entry as I was '' Not in the right frame of mind to attend the game.'' so I had to bite the bullet. He had a hand held scanner but I didn't see him use it once.

The stewards inside seem to be City's own who are decent guys and girls you can have a banter with. I think the people employed by showsec at stewarding are people between jobs or student types earning extra cash and the worst type, the ones not brave enough to be bouncers but get a kick out of the power being a steward brings.

The one on Saturday had lost face with the queue jumpers and I was an easy target, someone on my own and mature. He bit off a bit more than he could chew and had to threaten to refuse me entry to win the argument. I am pretty non violent these days but I would happily have smacked him so no wonder the younger lads lose it.

I have attended some boxing events and if there is a disturbance in the crowd they just overwhelm it with numbers, loads rush in. I guess that is why they pay so little so they can flood events with staff.

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