Still not recieved Napoli tickets!

doomuk said:
I've had the same shit.

Ordered 3 blue memberships and 3 tickets for Napoli.

Last week one arrived which really pissed me off as they are all supposed to be coming to the same address anyhow.

I phoned customer service (ha ha ha! That's NEVER customer service FFS!) and was on hold for 40 mins.
Finally get through only to be told there was nothing they could do, I just had to wait.
Yesterday still no tickets so I emailed and was told my email will be responded to within 7 days!!! Great!!

So today I phoned again - queue stupidly long waiting time - and was finally told I'll have to pick up the tickets before the match and there's always a big queue so I'd have to get there early!! FFS!

I work till 6.30 so now somehow I need to try and finish early to get there.

Sort it out city. The customer service is shit an I shouldn't be dicked about when I ordered these 10 days ago and I've got one! Is it so hard to put them all in the same bloody package


So, it turns out that they posted two of them to my old address and only one of them to my new address!!!
Seriously WTF!!!
it quiet clearly says when I login and check the receipt that all three are to be delivered to the same address! - my new address.

Twice I have rang them an thy couldn't be arsed to check this and instead gave me some bullshit about posting them separately.
I can't go to my old house to pick them up because I had a barney with my previous landlord over the return of my deposit so now I have to finish work early, which loses me pay, and goto the stadium tomorrow to fix their fuck-up!!

I'm so seriously unimpressed I cannot even begin to tell you.
The complete disregard for both my emails and continuously being on hold when I phone them, their complete inept stupidity.
And to top it all thy couldn't be arsed to check it when I did get through.

I'm sorry but in no business at all should this have to be tolerated.

Disgusting service, absolutely disgusting.
Did you try Danny Wilson ?. I have a problem with a card and he is handing it to me personally tomorrow before the game. I'm sure I won't be the only one either. Put your phone number in your mail to him and he will call you for sure.
None of my blue membership or my Napoli ticket have arrived yet. I'm on more of a chill though. I see it as, if it doesn't come tomorrow, I go early and sort it out there.
Del Monte said:
Postie's been. Still no tickets. FML.

I wouldn't panic, just go to the ticket office before the game and they should sort it for you.
Del Monte said:
I emailed him before but still no reply.

call and ask to speak to him, thats what i would do. let me know if it works, else we will have to speak to khaldoon personally. things cant keep going like this forever.

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