"Stop the Boats"

Dereck Jeffries 3 wd

Well-Known Member
16 Dec 2008
I am sure it has been mentioned on here before?
But why don’t we just turn them around escort then safely back to France? Making sure we damage them so as not to be used again!
Saves millions we give to France
Saves Billions looking after them over here
Stops them trying
It will upset France ( that’s a bonus)
Job done!
I am sure it has been mentioned on here before?
But why don’t we just turn them around escort then safely back to France? Making sure we damage them so as not to be used again!
Saves millions we give to France
Saves Billions looking after them over here
Stops them trying
It will upset France ( that’s a bonus)
Job done!
That’s it, pal, just turn the bastards around. Can’t believe it’s not been tried before.
I am sure it has been mentioned on here before?
But why don’t we just turn them around escort then safely back to France? Making sure we damage them so as not to be used again!
Saves millions we give to France
Saves Billions looking after them over here
Stops them trying
It will upset France ( that’s a bonus)
Job done!
Let’s go around upsetting our neighbours. That’s a grown up way of doing things and will definitely motivate the French to assist us. How about we set up a processing centre in Calais and allow folk to apply there. Failing that we could recognise that the boats coming across are a very small issue when compared with the bigger picture. We could also recognise that the boat crossing have been used as a political football and are aired every time the gammon look like they need a bit pineapple.
I am sure it has been mentioned on here before?
But why don’t we just turn them around escort then safely back to France? Making sure we damage them so as not to be used again!
Saves millions we give to France
Saves Billions looking after them over here
Stops them trying
It will upset France ( that’s a bonus)
Job done!

Top post mate. Al Murray would be proud of that.
Let’s go around upsetting our neighbours. That’s a grown up way of doing things and will definitely motivate the French to assist us. How about we set up a processing centre in Calais and allow folk to apply there. Failing that we could recognise that the boats coming across are a very small issue when compared with the bigger picture. We could also recognise that the boat crossing have been used as a political football and are aired every time the gammon look like they need a bit pineapple.
no one ever mentions the half a million brits that leave every year to become imigrants in a foriegn land.

swings and round abouts
I am sure it has been mentioned on here before?
But why don’t we just turn them around escort then safely back to France? Making sure we damage them so as not to be used again!
Saves millions we give to France
Saves Billions looking after them over here
Stops them trying
It will upset France ( that’s a bonus)
Job done!

Yeah what a fantastic, well thought out post. I’m sure you’d make a great compassionate ambassador for Tommy Robinson’s lot. These people have absolutely nothing left. They’ve been chased out of Syria on a scale to rival the horrors that Hitler would be proud of. You ignoramus. How about actually posting a viable plan or solution to this ongoing issue that will only get worse under this or the next generations rule. Appalling lack of human decency on your behalf. Just because you obviously live in a different land and probably never will have to face a life or death existence because of your birthplace, doesn’t give you the right to spout racist, uneducated drivel. Have a nice day in your warped ivory tower.
Because Johnson's botched Brexit included scrapping the UK's participation in the Dublin Regulation which would have allowed at least some illegal migrants to be returned to EU member states without considering their asylum applications. It's designed to "determine rapidly the Member State responsible for the asylum claim and provides for transfer of an asylum seeker to that Member State". Non-EU countries such as Norway, Switzerland and Iceland are members of this scheme.

So it's down to Johnson that no asylum seekers/illegal migrants can be sent back to France or anywhere else.
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Yeah what a fantastic, well thought out post. I’m sure you’d make a great compassionate ambassador for Tommy Robinson’s lot. These people have absolutely nothing left. They’ve been chased out of Syria on a scale to rival the horrors that Hitler would be proud of. You ignoramus. How about actually posting a viable plan or solution to this ongoing issue that will only get worse under this or the next generations rule. Appalling lack of human decency on your behalf. Just because you obviously live in a different land and probably never will have to face a life or death existence because of your birthplace, doesn’t give you the right to spout racist, uneducated drivel. Have a nice day in your warped ivory tower.

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