ChicagoBlue said:
First, grow a spine. Then, do what is right, for you and your fellow workers. It is weak dick "union" members like you that help corporations BREAK unions and then gut pay and benefits.
I guess you were not such a pussy when you were getting the benefit of being a union member, eh? How about fags and a drink? Will you go without them for a few days or weeks to stand up for yourself? Or what about the mobile? A little self sacrifice might be required to get through a strike but it sounds like that might be too hard for you?!
And, in case you remain an invertebrate.....
Don't fucking come on here with your "weak dick" this and "pussy" that you fucking wankstain. You know fuck all about me and my situation but have the bravery to post on here acting like fucking Snoop Doggy Dog with a keyboard and a few thousand miles between us. Who the fuck do you think you are mouth?
To the rest who have tried to advise one way or another, I won't be setting the alarm tonight. I asked for the advice on Sunday night at daft o'clock in the morning because I couldn't sleep weighing up the pros and cons. I knew my responsibilities to the Union and to my colleagues but my ultimate responsibilities will ALWAYS be to my three kids. Nothing will ever change that.
It's not often I come on here and praise Mrs Kev but I can't speak highly enough of her. She has only asked me tonight whether I'm striking despite knowing how much it's all done my head in. She has put no pressure on me at all. She said she knew I was worried and ultimately would make the right decision. When I told her that my decision was to fight for what I believe is right, she sprung this little gem on me - she went to work last night and took on a load of overtime for the rest of the month. She's asked her boss to help out and the extra money will not only cover my day's pay but will go someway to sorting us out and getting us motoring again.
Thanks again for all who contributed to this thread apart from the fuckwit above.