Stupid answers

Think have posted something similar to this before but fuck it. My lad was asking what the bumps in the road were called. Told him they are called speed bumps his reply

"if you have to slow down to go over them why aren't they called slow bumps?"

My stupid answer "Because they are"
Every 3 months I would change my birthday to the following week and then on that day loads of people (not close friends and family obviously) would wish me a happy birthday! It was about the third or fourth time when people started realising.

I was just trying to show how people just rely on stupid facebook etc and not use their brains!
Dirty Harry said:
Getting the weeks shopping and being asked at the till " would you like any bags ?" me " No I'll just shove it all in my pockets".

Now I'm well aware some people do take their own bags, but these are few and far between, and when they do they tend to have them out, ready and waiting at the end of the till.

I know what you mean. I was in the off licence 2 weeks ago and bought lots of different bottles of wine and beer. amounted to about 15 separate things
"Do you want a bag"
"No I will balance them and walk for 10 minutes" home
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Dirty Harry said:
Getting the weeks shopping and being asked at the till " would you like any bags ?" me " No I'll just shove it all in my pockets".

Now I'm well aware some people do take their own bags, but these are few and far between, and when they do they tend to have them out, ready and waiting at the end of the till.

I know what you mean. I was in the off licence 2 weeks ago and bought lots of different bottles of wine and beer. amounted to about 15 separate things
"Do you want a bag"
"No I will balance them and walk for 10 minutes" home

Yes but what about when you say; 'it's alright I've got my own bags' and they start packing your stuff into their carrier bags anyway!! They're like little robots!!
Haven't tried it yet but wouldn't you just love to say to the airport check in girl when she asks if you packed your own bags

" no the guy over there in the balaclava, combat suit and carrying an AK-47 packed it for me"
ban-mcfc said:
Thought you lived in cyprus?

Walking back from a game with my dad and bro, balotelli had just joined and had played well. I turn to them and say "that balotelli played well", my dad says "i know yeah looks a good young prospect if mancini can keep him sane", my brother joins in "hes only 18 as well you know", my dad then says "hes not. Hes 19", my bro replies with ..."well he used to be 18".

Me and my dad looked at each other in amazement.

Don't want to be clarkied by your stupid question, but we do have Debenhams here.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> (paphos kinyras) ;)
Everytime my grandad goes into McDonalds or a Chippy and asks for chips they always say "what size" to which he constantly replies "about 3 inches".

One of the funniest comments I have herd though was this, A few of the lads was at my mates playing the new F1 game to which one of the lad says " I hate this braking lark it always slows you down" to which the rest of us just burst out laughing. We still haven't let him forget about it
paphos-mcfc said:
Just come back from the foodhall in Debenhams and whilst looking down the isle with the bleach and toilet stuff, I stopped and asked the woman who was filling the shelf with brilo pads;

"Do you have any toilet brushes?" her reply "what for?" I said "to clean my teeth with!" This obviously wasn't the best response as my answer was as daft as hers, she started to give me a stare of death.

I turned around and carried on getting the other things I was shopping for. 10 mins later I go to the till to pay and it's only her sat there, by this time I'm feeling a bit of a ****, but she's still giving me a serious look. I started to giggle as I was staring at her while in the background "Rockin' around the Christmas tree" was pumping out the speakers.

Anyway I paid and turned and said "merry christmas" to her. She wasn't happy.

Beating around the bush a bit but I thought it was surreal. Anyone had stupid answers from people?

I was a passenger in the wifes car the other week , and the road we were on had two lanes ...... i said to her we need to be turning right soon , so indicate and move over to the other lane ...... "which one"? , she replied!
the god Gerry Gow said:
Haven't tried it yet but wouldn't you just love to say to the airport check in girl when she asks if you packed your own bags

" no the guy over there in the balaclava, combat suit and carrying an AK-47 packed it for me"
At that point you'd be arrested and probably banned from flying!
paphos-mcfc said:
Just come back from the foodhall in Debenhams and whilst looking down the isle with the bleach and toilet stuff, I stopped and asked the woman, who was filling the shelf with brilo pads?

to be fair, thats a bit of a daft question. ;)

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