Stupidest thing you've witnessed at work

A girl came back off a few weeks off because of family stuff, a new guy asked her did anything happen during her time off. She said "I lost my dad", he goes "Where did he end up?". Wasn't any malice in it, he just wasn't thinking.
Guy ringing me to say he'd finished fixing a printer and heading to another office to look at a PC. I replied I can see you out the window sitting by the river and he hide behind a tree. He also rang me from his mobile, without me speaking he went into a rant about a missing parcel let me speak to your manager blah blah blah. Told him he'd rang me not delivery company and he just hung up. Never mentioned it again but I reckon I was his last number in phone and hit that.
Me, not the most stupidest thing but probably the most ridiculous.....I was managing a Chaufeur company at Mcr Airport and the boss had sent me off to a new potential client to seal the deal, I did and got a pat on the back. A few weeks later I was sat in the office, work done, all drivers and cars sorted, flights incoming and outgoing all done so I put my feet up. The phone rang, a rather irate customer telling me he had a client at T1 and why wasn't there a car for him. I told him I'd check and sort it out. In the meanwhile he's asked for the drivers number, there was only me....... There was only one thing for it so I ran like the wind to my car, one of the fleet of decent Mercs and set off. I'd given him my number and it rang as I'm driving down Shadowmoss rd. I was thinking on my feet here as it was a brand new but decent client and worth a bit.I wound the window down and put on a ridiculous yorkshire accent whilst speaking to the guy who had just phoned the office number and now thought he was speaking to a completely different guy altogether, hoping the wind would disguise my voice and told him I was on my way but had had a puncture. I stopped on the approach to T1 and wiped my hands round the wheel, got back in and went to meet the client and apologised for being late but as you can see I'd just changed the wheel and need to clean my hands.
The main client saw straight through this and phoned my boss mentioning the most ridiculous Yorkshire accent he'd ever heard and me driving with the window down didn't convince him either....Never heard from them after that.
I once rang up a discount shop called Crazy Clarks to check on stock of an item.
Girl answers phone.
I say "I wanted to check if you have stock of an item"
I expected her to ask "what item"
But she just said "ohh ok just hang on"
I waited a minute or so.
She came back on and said "no we don't have any of those"
I said "I haven't told you which item yet"

She just sort of did an embarrassed speechless half laugh and hung up.

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