Suarez racial slur against Evra

Even if there is video evidence of Suarez say something, you wouldn't be able make out what his saying because of his massive chompers.
MCFC-2011 said:
yeah what he said!

thats the french for u. cheating horrible race of people.

He's French but he was born in the same country and city as El Hadji Diouf

Right next door is Guinea, famous now for the false accusations of the maid (Not inferring anything btw...)

How Man Utd fans say his word is good as gold


Evra said the whole squad will "give up all the bonuses, we won't accept a single cent" from the World Cup out of shame.


"Patrice Evra in particular has not returned his form," Duchaussoy said on the French television show Téléfoot. "You know, he was the first to say he was going to give up his bonuses. We can't think for a moment that we won't have
Viva Rivaldo said:
^Ipso facto, Evra lies about everything...

Despite what about 10 posters said about him having previous form in this department not being true.

despite him being a right **** i dont think he'd lie about this, if proven suaez should be thrown out of the game.
Hate him all you want, but it's not something anyone would make up, Rag or no. It is a serious allegation and will be dealt with seriously, as it should be.

Hopefully the truth will be revealed, but if it turns out to be true than Suarez should be punished severely.
This is the first i have heard of Evra and racist comments so thought i would have a look into it via everyone's fave search engine.

Taken from a rag source

The first instance the giro hunters were quick to bring up was the Sam Bethell one, where Evra had a post match fight with the Chelsea groundsman and was subsequently banned for four games. During the investigation, several newspapers reported that ‘United sources claimed Evra had been racially abused by Bethell.’ United sources did claim Evra was racially abused, those sources were Mickey Phelan and goalkeeping coach Richard Hartis.

The FA Report notes:

It is after the first altercation between Mr Bethell and Mr Evra that Mr Bethell is alleged to have shouted at Mr Evra “I’ll ******* have you, you ******* 12 immigrant” – an allegation which Mr Bethell has consistently and vehemently denied.

First of all
If those lying rag bastards can be given as credible, then he was polite (he called him MR)

"I'll fucking have you"
correct he is a right fookin soft arse

"you fuckin imigrant"
well yes his birth country was not The United Kingdom Of Great Britain (I personally would of added "your such a scum sucking greedy leech, you dishonour your countrymen by not playing for your country of birth, instead go for the fame and fortune of playing for a team that is not your national team but will bring you personal gain) and has such you have migrated.

so far accurate Mr Grounds person.

later in the blog

Evra has never claimed to have heard such a remark.

MMMMMMM, so Mr Evra got a 4 match ban for having a fight with a grounds person over a remark he did not actually hear ?

The Finnan bit is amusing too, have a read.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -race-card</a>
Reminded me of;

rickmcfc said:
I hate Family Guy but that was hilarious!

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