Sunderland V Man City Barclays Premierleague Cup thread.

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Caveman said:
Iskand said:
What I would like to see:



- Jovetic shifting to the right side and playing mostly behind the striker.
- Silva roaming around the pitch.
- Attacks being played through right side and center, while disabling the left side
Swap Nastasić and Kompany round and I'd agree.

-- Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:40 am --

MCFC BOB said:
I wouldn't play Aguero today.

Friendlies are for testing new formations and learning how to deal with strikers being injured/suspended. We need to see how we play when we have to alter our formation because it's something we've never really been able to cope with.
Neither would I. Give him a little while longer to regain full fitness.

Yea, I misplaced Kompany and Nastasic, as you said, Kompany should play at right hand side with Nastasic on the left.

Totally agree with the view on the friendlies. I would like to see the formation I wrote, because I want to see all new players in action and how they link with each other and with the rest of the squad.
match thread set up >>> <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=11&t=288131</a>
The pitch looks fine compared to our game vs south china not raining yet probably 30% of the grass is dry though.<br /><br />-- Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:17 pm --<br /><br />Also Moyes is in the stadium watching spurs and possibly us
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