Tactics - attacking set pieces


Well-Known Member
9 Jan 2012
There was a good thread the other day regarding the different methods of defending corners that produced some interesting opinions. So I thought it might be a good idea to post the other side of the question to you knowledgeable bluemooners: what is the best method/philosophy for scoring off set-pieces? I was mainly thinking of corners, but feel free to educate me about free-kicks. Now it probably won't be so cut and dried as zonal vs. man marking, but IMO that makes it more interesting.

Also, how would you change your setup if you were coming up against a zonal defensive system as opposed to a dirty zonal or man marking system?

goat boy said:
Confuse your opponents: make sure as many corners as possible reach the penalty box at waist height - MCFC training manual, 2006 - 2012 Edition

We had too many crappy corners yesterday that kept reaching nobody but the first Spurs defender. Always thought the danger zone on a corner was the area between the edge of the goal line and the penalty spot. Too far from the goal-line to tempt the keeper. The attackers don't have to positively attack it, but by crikey the defenders have to defend it. And then who knows?
Nearpost flick on from a corner is supremely effective. Creates confusion among defenders and gk like nothing else. There was a time many years ago when Arsenal seemed to score at will from corners (Steve Bould flick on usually), also Everton when Hinchy was arrowing them into the near post. Needs a pin point delivery though. Also helps if your players attacking the flick on can just push the defenders out of the way a la Suarez yesterday.

Also like the chipped corner to the edge of the box and the volley. That always looks good.

As to free kicks from wide areas, the Kolarov delivery for the second goal against Madrid is just about perfect.
You will see the players who are there to win headers from set pieces ie Dzeko, Lescott, Kompany, Richards etc these Players will attack certain zones within the area with diagonal and darting movement, the delivery really is everything and if its put into a decent area/zone and your players have been able to find themselves in the area where the ball is you then have a chance, Richards is excellent at it but his finishing when getting his head to one is poor, Dzeko also does well but should do he is a striker,

With delivery players do not try to pick out a certain player it is near impossible with the amount of bodies around from set pieces, this is why it will be put into a zone that an attacking player can get into and attack the ball, the best deliverer of the correct ball for me are Silva and Tevez even though he gets a few wrong, Kolorov is to erratic as he tries to whip everything in, It would be interesting to see who comes out on top from Kolorov/Silva corners and free kicks into the box

Also you saw a prime example of the flaws in man marking at corners yesterday in the Chelsea v Liverpool game.......Agger gets blocked off Terry in acres has a free header, this is why there are pluses and negatives to zonal and man marking.....I prefer zonal it is easier to work on in training as you set up the same no matter who the opposition......with man marking you have to start worrying about individuals and how do you go about preparing for a Peter Crouch if you don't have one

Play the percentages and zonal marking allows you to do this
I think its worth always remembering that we scored the 2nd msot goals from set peices last year and conceded the second least.

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