
Just had the mis fortune to turn on the radio and hear Simon fucking Jordon spout his bile about City and how CAS rolled over and took it up the backside from us, because they were scared of City, not that we had done anything wrong. He then went on to state that the Premier League had ‘ a chance to make it stick against City’ make what stick? He hasn’t got a clue how City are run, or how FFP works, he still thinks that the UAE bankrolls all our transfers. Which is weird as we are owned by the sheik not the UAE. Failed bitter owner who is put out there as an expert on financial matters of football at the highest level, what a joke he is.

All good, but actually he thinks we are owned by Saudi Arabia. Not the UAE
They fucking hate us with a passion. When we were shit we were everybody's second team just because we were never a threat and living in the rags shadow. Now we are oil money ruining football. What about chavs 97.5 million on Lukaku, that's 48. 75 million per left foot
Reminds me. Many years ago Michael Parkinson wrote a column about Tony Hateley, who was known for only scoring headers. Parkie added up his cumulative transfer fees and divided by the number of square inches in the average forehead.
"Thats £247,000 per square inch" he declared.
I really wouldn't read too much into what people like Simon Jordan says about us: if he's not slagging off us it's Arsenal, Chelsea, Spuds that will feel his powder-puff wrath.
He will say absolutely anything in order to see his name in the papers, and he will offend whoever he wants to as long as he gets the recognition afterwards. The man is a vacuous airhead who would feel more at home in the company of someone like Katie Price, or any of the vapid, slack-jawed contestants on Love Island.

Don't take him seriously, chaps. No one else does.

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