
What the fuck is this sudden opinion that teams are "getting away with it" if they find a clear legal argument to win a case?! Leicester didn't find a loophole or get away with anything. They read the rules, found a way to comply with them lawfully and provided that evidence at appeal. If the rules aren't well written or laws need to change then that's a completely different matter. It's the same with that time-barred bollocks. That is a critical part of law. It's like watching Scooby Doo this - we'd have punished them if it wasn't for those pesky lawyers.
Get used to it. WHEN we are cleared or have a small pundit whatever, it will be rife with that phrase. All it is, is to get clicks or whatever. They are never ever going to say case closed and they are innocent. They bring any club that is. It attracts more to say they got away with it.

Revel in it when it happens. I certainly will. Then I’ll revel in it some more when they other fans say it when we win league after league and treble after treble.
No mention of the rags finding a loophole with their £40m COVID allowance or the dippers £50m mythical Stanley park stadium blag.
The PL may as well have made their rules only apply to teams that play in blue shirts and red ones from Nottingham
It is staring everyone in the face.

The media couldn't tell us all quick enough the rags fine from UEFA was "minor" and it wasn't even up as a headline for 24 hours. One day and gone.

(Compare it with the latest story to do with us about Rodri which is nearly 3 days old but still on the main app)

Then compare Everton losing money and the rags for the same breach and it's as plain as the nose on your face how much they get away with.

I'm really hoping amongst the trial to do with the 115 that khaldoon or whoever is representing us highlights the difference in the reporting of teams in the media.

We've had years of the same regurgitated shite about us, the rags get the full on cover up and a headline for a day.

Stinks to high heaven.

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