It was refreshing.It was an interesting report which the bollock wasn't happy with his time of voice as Vickery was bigging us up was very telling.
Fat Scouse stayed schtum throughout.
It was refreshing.It was an interesting report which the bollock wasn't happy with his time of voice as Vickery was bigging us up was very telling.
City have deffo threatened Talkshite with summat.
Spanish based jurno talking about Negrado just said "We have to be careful what we say about Manchester City"
The lad then shot down boiled bollock trying to hype Pep v Peg; "Both managers more concerned with their teams than each other. People only interested in them hoping for a fallout"
He wont be on the alkies show again....
If he had any balls under those rolls of fat Quinn should be off with Murray. I didn't hear him at all, I assume he was on with the bollock?It was refreshing.
Fat Scouse stayed schtum throughout.
Yep he's talking shite as booked now.If he had any balls under those rolls of fat Quinn should be off with Murray. I didn't hear him at all, I assume he was on with the bollock?
Good tie up that as both are a triumph of style and hype over substance.Both the rags and Virgin getting lots of free advertising as a financial expert spouts about the wonderful tie up of the new rags sponsorship detail.
Even more exposure of the red bastards now going to be on tv as I watch with a face like the bloke on the plane with the obnoxious kid in front of him in the Tesco Mobile advert.
He's great at 1am but people in the day want to talk sense
It was an interesting report which the bollock wasn't happy with his time of voice as Vickery was bigging us up was very telling.
Good tie up that as both are a triumph of style and hype over substance.