Those who can't pay, shouldn't, those who can pay, should. Disagree?
Yes, I disagree with the way you're framing it.
Those who can pay are already paying, so why change anything? What you're suggesting is that they should pay even more. It REALLY fucks me off, Labour banging on about a fair and decent tax system, as if the current system is somehow unfair. It's like subliminal brainwashing.
In a parallel universe, EVERYONE would have to pay say £10,000 a year in income tax, irrespective of income. But no, we don't have that. That would be unfair.
In another parallel universe, EVERYONE would have to pay 29% tax on all their income. We don't have that either.
In the 3rd universe, the poorest get £11,000 untaxed and then 29% on everything after that. But no, that's STILL unfair, apparently.
And in the 4th, we have people getting £11,000 completely untaxed, 20% on the rest of their earnings and anyone earning more than about £50k have to pay 40% or more on the rest of their money.
I'd say that's a pretty progressive tax system already, wouldn't you. But it gets worse. Earn over £122k a year and they take your fucking personal allowance off you as well. And god forbid if you earn £150k a year or then the rate goes higher still.
To say the people lower down the pay scale get off lightly is one ENORMOUS great big understatement. Jesus, they even get the pittance they pay in tax, back in benefits.
Already, someone on £120k a year already pays 25 times more tax than someone on 1/6th of the salary. And Labour talk about increasing that, to make it
more fair???