Team Photo

Forget Lescott for a second.......

The real question is if you were shown that team photo 12 months ago would you have been happy with the prgress?

I know I would.
Spindash said:
CTID_92 said:
i think its, Adam Clayton


Quite encouraging that Mee, McGivern, Clayton and Vidal are all in that photo with regards to their prospects this season. Definitely part of the first team now.

That reminds me. I saw Clayton Blackmore last week and he is still on close personal terms with a sunbed and has dyed his fringe (what's left of it) blond. A walking mid-life crisis.

My God doesnt Shmicheal look orange :| Toure and Ade have got the exact same pose, and i think, i think Bellamy has just seen Old 'Arry is the distance shouting that hes coming to try get him
robbie goes all out with the smile again! every picture ive seen him in he's always got a huge grin on!
Yhis will sound sad but fuck it :) I love how almost all of them have some form of blue on their boots :D

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