text message i received yesterday?????????

SteSteez said:
About a week into a phone contract with a new number i started recieving phone calls/txts regularly from a guy in Afghanistan, he could understand me but wouldn't speak english back to me for awhile.
Would send me txt's in foreign language at like 5am daily.

Anyway he eventually started speaking english, even after full length conversations he was still adament that he had the correct number for this other Aghani dude who lived in Manchester, and I was using his phone?? lol....

He would talk about import and exporting, in his eventual txts that were in english he would always send confirmation of shipments from european countries.

Very weird, anyway this woman starts txting me from the same country (afgahnistan) proclaiming to know when and where shipments were being made.

From the exchanges i had with these two people they presumed i was some english agent working on behalf of this asian guy who worked in the import/export trade, constantly informing me lol.
Anyway it eventually stopped.

No homosexual activity i'm afraid
ah well never mind
SteSteez said:
About a week into a phone contract with a new number i started recieving phone calls/txts regularly from a guy in Afghanistan, he could understand me but wouldn't speak english back to me for awhile.
Would send me txt's in foreign language at like 5am daily.

Anyway he eventually started speaking english, even after full length conversations he was still adament that he had the correct number for this other Aghani dude who lived in Manchester, and I was using his phone?? lol....

He would talk about import and exporting, in his eventual txts that were in english he would always send confirmation of shipments from european countries.

Very weird, anyway this woman starts txting me from the same country (afgahnistan) proclaiming to know when and where shipments were being made.

From the exchanges i had with these two people they presumed i was some english agent working on behalf of this asian guy who worked in the import/export trade, constantly informing me lol.
Anyway it eventually stopped.

No homosexual activity i'm afraid

haha that is funny:)

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