SACS? Maer like, ballsacs!
Lol, I called it that specifically in the hope someone would make that joke (and once again you were my prime suspect) :-))
Apologies folks for not getting my vote in on time. Was in work and thought I would get time but as can happen the day just got away from me with important matters so didn't get to do my write up.As expected, People on Sunday by Domenique Dumont scored a low average: 12 votes @ 5.08 which was mainly made up of scores between 4 and 6. It's a score that finds the album sandwiched between The Chemical Brothers and Michael Stearns in the ever increasing league table. Thanks to @GoatersLeftShin for another interesting ambient nomination.
This week, it's the turn of @BimboBob to provide us with a week of listening pleasure.
Well, as the categories are Mega Awesome, Awesone, Okay and Shite, and Foggy undoubtedly owns the IP, does this make him Chairman MAOS?I took your FUQAS model (Foggy's Uncalibrated Quality Assurance System) and adapted it (I assume it's creative commons - apologies if not) and this is what I got..
View attachment 115866
Was mega awesome Radiohead?I took your FUQAS model (Foggy's Uncalibrated Quality Assurance System) and adapted it (I assume it's creative commons - apologies if not) and this is what I got..
View attachment 115866
Was mega awesome Radiohead?