I do. think it's a good idea to revisit. I know I panned one or two albums that I now, through repeated listens really like and albums I really liked initially that I now can't play (hello Lucinda). Top 5 Albums with favourite track from top 2/3 would be manageable and would allow for a playlist of 30-60 songs.
Even just one track from your top find, and we have the usual 15-18 set. And if done via PM, we would still have potential for a guessing game, as you'd effectively be guessing who had what as their top find.
Edit. I will offer to do this one, if Rob wants a break from the duties, or to take part in the guessing. Whichever way we go btw, revisit or free for all. I know we are some time away from the end of the round, but just putting it out there now.