The Album Review Club - Week #140 - (page 1844) - Lovers Electric - Lovers Electric

Albums that are predominately singer and acoustic guitar rarely do it for me unless the singer happens to be Bruce or Neil, who are simply different league to Gray, who is aptly named as though is how I found the album: a largely joyless listen.

I am another who found his voice a bit of a problem: the accent just does not convince somehow.

Unsurprisingly, my favourite track was the one where they picked things up a bit and sounded like a low rent Pearl Jam.

If it's your cuppa, it's clearly goes down well but, as it is not my thing, 5/10.
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I've heard Babylon of course, who hasn't? And to be fair it's a decent song, I don't mind it at all if it comes on the radio between rounds of pop master, better that than Ed Sheehan or Robbie Williams. I've never really listened to it though, because well, it's David Gray... isn't he a bit of a joke figure or am I getting him mixed up with Craig David? Either way I thought he was pop, not folk...

Prejudice, preconception and misconception aside there is no reason really why I shouldn't like Craig, erm I mean David Gray. Except...

Well, there is that voice and accent. If he turned up at the local folk club dressed in a folky jumper and singing like he does I'd probably think fair enough, that's how you're supposed to sound. Sing us a shanty. But he sounds a bit to me like someone doing an impression of a folk singer. A bit like Jake Bugg does, only Jake Bugg does it better.

At various points during the album it's alright but then there is a jarring inflection or affectation that is quite off putting. A shame because some of the songs are promising, even alright and when he does it straight it's listenable, well more listenable.

I found the suite of songs to be fair to middling, nothing stuck with me or struck me. As with Jason Isbell previously on this thread, the earnest singer songwriter thread is pretty crowded. I've always got room for one more though, if it's the right one. Not sure David Gray is the one, it's a 5 from me.

Although interest slightly piqued and my mind made up about Century Ends I thought I'd give White Ladder a listen while writing this up. I like it more. There's still the odd vocal tic that grates a bit but sounds like he is more confident, more rounded. This one could be a grower which might lead me back to the earlier stuff.
I had listened to White ladder a fair bit when it was released so I knew what to expect of this album and that’s what I got.

some ok songs, pleasant enough acoustic guitar and arrangements but nothing that engaged me on a musical or emotional level. White ladder was a step up from this album. Unfortunately, it didn’t even have the advantage of being knew and something I had heerd for the first time.

So many more singer songwriters I would prefer to listen to than David Grey. Sorry @BlueHammer85 i wanted to like it more but its just not happening.

I will give it a 3/10 and cross my fingers that you like mine a little better next week.
I knew this was relegation material when I threw it out there.

but it’s a personal album I love rather than play safe with his well known one ‘White Ladder’ or a Beatles/Floyd or something Album.

No worry’s at all if you don’t like it - but good on you all for giving it a go - it’s what this threads all about.
I knew this was relegation material when I threw it out there.

but it’s a personal album I love rather than play safe with his well known one ‘White Ladder’ or a Beatles/Floyd or something Album.

No worry’s at all if you don’t like it - but good on you all for giving it a go - it’s what this threads all about.
You could be on for typical City here, being simultaneously top 4 and bottom 4. Not bad for a hammer
I knew this was relegation material when I threw it out there.

but it’s a personal album I love rather than play safe with his well known one ‘White Ladder’ or a Beatles/Floyd or something Album.

No worry’s at all if you don’t like it - but good on you all for giving it a go - it’s what this threads all about.
Yes, it’s good to go with something that means something to you.
My first two picks have been special to me, but they are also albums by artists that have a huge fan base. There’s no doubt that most of the top 5 or 6 are there because they are albums that enough people know and like.

I think for my next four or five choices, most will be albums from the last decade or so. Giving people a listen to stuff they have no preconceptions about and maybe opening up some new avenues to explore is a good way to go. Of course I’ve already recommended one of them on another thread and a couple of members are already listening so there will be no surprise factor there!
Yes, it’s good to go with something that means something to you.
My first two picks have been special to me, but they are also albums by artists that have a huge fan base. There’s no doubt that most of the top 5 or 6 are there because they are albums that enough people know and like.

I think for my next four or five choices, most will be albums from the last decade or so. Giving people a listen to stuff they have no preconceptions about and maybe opening up some new avenues to explore is a good way to go. Of course I’ve already recommended one of them on another thread and a couple of members are already listening so there will be no surprise factor there!

it’s good to have a mix - some unknowns, some big selling albums etc

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