The Album Review Club - Week #139 - (page 1815) - Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War Of The Worlds

Just had a percursary sniff and I have to say that's an amazing album cover and a well derserved 10/10 in it's own right but it's more about the goodness inside.

After five plays of Minotaur I'll refrain from leaving a review until I buy in a few bottles of olde Kentish to aid with the atmos. If the rest of the album's anything like The Minotaur then maybe we're in for a real treat. I say maybe because I've spent the last hour trawling the intraweb and theirs some pretty scathing reviews doing the rounds, but as mentioned previously music is subjective. This is probably one of the most unflattering and maybe the contributer should have laid off that weed.

You even get to sing along with the chorus line so what's there not to like.

The Minotaurs Song

He' knows whats right and whats wrong

He'll do whats wrong as long as he can

He likes the dark as dark can be!

Porridge for his Porridge bowl : /

Im strong as the earth from which Im born

He can't dream well because of his horns
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To those that have listened to the album so far, a question: was I the only one to find "Swift as the Wind" genuinely disturbing? I mean, we can all laugh and joke about throwaway pop acts or thrash metal or rap or whatever being like nails down a blackboard and finding this or that excruciating. I know that music is supposed to be emotional and prod and poke at us, but something on the vocals on that song really got to me.

I am not saying this for comic effect, I really mean it - I was sitting at my desk working and I actually felt like shrinking into the chair a bit, worried some lunatic might pop out behind me or something. I kept checking how long was left on the track and felt relieved when it had finished. Sounds stupid writing this but I really felt something there.
Just had a percursary sniff and I have to say that's an amazing album cover and a well derserved 10/10 in it's own right, but it's more about the goodness inside that matters.

After five plays of Minotaur I've decided to refrain from leaving a full review until I buy in some much needed props for tommorow. Copious bottles of old kentish ale whilst suited in loose dungeree pulled taut over hand knit arran.

If the rest of the album's anything like The Minotaur then maybe we're in for a real treat. I say maybe because I've spent the last hour trawling the intraweb and theirs some pretty scathing reviews doing the rounds, but as mentioned previously music is subjective. This is probably one of the most unflattering and maybe the contributer should have laid off that weed.

Early days but Minotaur should be a prerequisite for any and all twilight ale house jukeboxes served up on a free play loop. You even get to sing along with the chorus lines so what's there not to like.

The Minotaurs Song

He' knows whats right and whats wrong

He'll do whats wrong as long as he can

He likes the dark as dark can be!

Porridge for his Porridge bowl : /

Im strong as the earth from which Im born

He can't dream well because of his horns

Some of the quotes in that review are bang on for me and are aligned with my post above!
2) Your sentence Next up is The Minotaur’s Song, the catchiest, most 'normal' sounding song on the album is about as far from my experience as Edinburgh is from Saturn's third largest moon.

More to come.
Morningside, Stockbridge, Bruntsfield, Niddrie, Lapetus. All on the no. 47 bus route mate.
But what do you think?
I really like Minotaur and especially loved the album cover but as mentioned I have to spend some quality time tommorow listening to the other tracks.

I like Folk music a lot and if I was pushed to nominate favourites I would say Fairport Convention who I guess are more attuned to british folk rock .. or was I actually more a fan of Denny herself? Probably the latter if I'm being honest and something about her voice that struck a chord.

Here's my favourite track from Denny and one that possibly strikes resonance with all of the crusties off this board.

Who Knows Where The Time Goes

( Crikey that album cover looks rather familiar )

I also love English Folk, Barn Dance and Ceilida and this track is one of my all time favourite You-Tube plays although I have no idea of it's title save to say it's English Traditional Folk...Anyone?

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I really like Minotaur and I especially loved the album cover but as mentioned I have to spend some quality time tommorow listening to the other tracks.

I do like Folk music a lot and if I was pushed to nominate favourites I would say Fairport Convention who I guess are more attuned to british folk rock .. or was I actually more a fan of Denny herself? Probably the latter if I'm being honest and something about her voice that struck a chord.

Here's my favourite tune from Denny and one that possibly strikes resonance with all of the crusties imbibing this board.

Who Knows Where The Time Goes

( Crikey that album cover looks rather familiar )

I also love English Folk, Barn Dance and Ceilida and this track is one of my all time favourite You-Tube regular plays although I have no idea of it's title save to say it's English Traditional Folk...Anyone?

Fairport album released 1999.
ISB influencing for over 30 years!

“who knows…” is a stunningly beautiful song and very poignant for us FOCs.

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