The Album Review Club - Week #139 - (page 1815) - Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War Of The Worlds

You should, assuming you can get through it. (your words, not mine! :-)

Moving Pictures comes in at a tight 40 minutes has no filler, and any perceived self-indulgence was found on prior albums, but this one came in very nicely as the band focused their sound to these gems. I'd argue they first did this the album prior on Permanent Waves, but I digress. Even the nearly 11 minute "The Camera Eye" I'd argue is the BEST song on the album. Consider your 10/10 as my MIA pile-on representation in abstentia in not being around to review it when it came up.

And am I talking about Rush so I don't have to start listening to this week's selection which BTW I have not as of yet? Maybe yes, perhaps no.
All in the ear of the beholder.

I’m a huge Rush fan and I’d call The Camera Eye pure filler, and the weakest song on the album by far. It was the last long track they ever release (for a very long time anyway) and there’s a reason for that. Thoroughly underwhelming song, lacking any memorable or high points at all. It’s no Xanadu, and that’s being incredibly generous.
I don’t think it was a huge success because it fails at everything it tries to do.
Commercial success is no sign of quality. Lots of people support united. Doesn't make I have to think they are any good :)

I'm offering an opinion of how it made me feel. It didn't once make me feel apprehensive or gloomy which it should have done. It instead made me feel happiness and joy which is the opposite of what i assume it was going for. Using disco as the main driver to convey doom and fear is just making your job unnecessarily hard. I tried to explain why and where I thought it failed for me rather than just say I didn't like it. I employed a large dose of hyperbole in my reply to foggy but I did use quotes from the album as a display of my admiration and enjoyment of. I apologise for any annoyance my glibness caused.

When forced to pick between my score of 3 or 8 I gave it an 8 not because it made me uneasy but because I love how it sounds. The sound of the heat ray is fun to me. It's not scary like it should be.

I've even listened to it this evening for fun after posting my review and been humming bits of it all night. Your post scared me more

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