The Album Review Club - Week #141 - (page 1860) - JPEG Raw - Gary Clark Jr.

Thoughtful review as ever.

On the memorable song front, Rocks is more about the overall feel and consistency. The songs run into one another and it's almost like one long song on each side. However, when you have played it as many times as I have, the individual songs do seem memorable.
Yes I agree. I do like it when an album has a consistent tone and feel and sounds like it was recorded by the same set of musicians as opposed to simply being a collection of songs thrown together to make up the numbers. You may lose a bit of variety with this approach, but more often than not, it makes an album more than the sum of its parts such that it doesn't rely on a couple of hit singles.
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Not bad at all.
Good enough start with Back in the saddle and last Child.
Rats in the cellar and Combination just a noise.Nothing in these two to get excited about.
Sick as a dog good trackNobody's fault vocal annoys me but the rest of the group great.
Finished by 3 bang average tracks.
Get the lead out,Lick and a promise and Home tonight,though i might be being genorous to Home tonight.
Might have liked this a lot more in 75 as i struggle withe some of the rock music from the 70's now.
Again a different vocalist and i might have gave it a higher score.5/10
It's fascinating to watch your children's music tastes evolve and really nice when at least some of it overlaps with your own, hopefully by osmosis rather than enforced listening!

I've watched my eldest's favourite song go from being "Hello, hello, who's your lady friend" (don't ask me why but he would literally chuckle himself to sleep when I sang it to him in his cot) through to 'Rat in mi kitchen' as a 4 or 5 year old to 'Cake by the Ocean' (worrying period that) to 'Voodoo Chile' to the point where he now oscillates between various songs off Low Life and Brotherhood. My youngest started on the Makka Pakka song from In the Night Garden and now it's probably a toss up between Transmission and That's Entertainment.

I can actually cope with the fact that one of them has no interest in City whatsoever but if either had said they weren't fussed about music beyond a bit of tiktok I'm not sure how I'd have coped!!
My daughters are (just) 23 now and I never pushed them over football (my wife hates football) but they caught the bug when they watched a certain QPR game that Daddy had gone to. One of them goes to pretty much every game I go to and the other is an avid armchair supporter, both of City, naturally.

On the music front, they have had long exposure to my music as I have always insisted that I drive my car to my music (most of the time). My wife and I do share similar tastes in music; although hers have mellowed more than mine with age.

The girls like some of the music of their generation but also like plenty of what we listen to. I had to take them to see all sorts of bands / acys I would not have bothered with: One Direction, McFly, 5SOS etc but also made sure they saw some rock legends while they still could - ranging from AC/DC to Paul McCartney. Two of us try to make a point of seeing the Foo Fighters when they play in the UK.

Did a reasonalbe job with them but if only they weren't Max Verstappen fans.
Aerosmith - Rocks

Have to admit when this was nominated my heart sunk a bit as though I’d heard a handful of their songs that I liked, it’s not really my territory and for everyone I’d thought OK there seemed to be another that I really didn’t care for at all.

So it’s nice to be pleasantly surprised and I’d go as far as to say this is the most surprised I’ve been by a nomination.

Even Tyler’s screaming stopped winding me up in the end as it occurred to me you’d can’t expect Perry and Whitford to be balls-out and Tyler not to be; even if his version does sound at times like they are trapped in his zipper :-)

I concur with most of what OB1 and Rob have written. I’ve already said the main reason I like this is the overall sonic effect and that continues to be the case. It’s been a while since just the general sound coming out of the speakers has impressed like this did.

I had a big old read over the weekend about the details of the recording of this album and they are very interesting. Won’t go down that rabbit hole but I will say that there’s a bit of self-deprecation in Jack Douglas’s blithe statement that basically it’s simply down to the distortion. Any clown with access to a Big Muff and a Tube Screamer can make a racket (something I have proven to myself on multiple occasions) but it won’t sound anything like the racket on this album!! The tones are just so enjoyable, and they have lots of slightly contradictory elements to them to the extent that in the end I gave up trying to come up with the right adjective to describe the sound. As a recording I think this is quite special.

In terms of songs, I think OB1 nailed it on the head in talking about it as a whole rather than the parts, Back In The Saddle is a big big song on it’s own but I found myself listening to this album as a 30 odd minute single piece rather than a series of songs. In that sense it reminded me a bit of listening to the different movements in a classical piece.

In light of Fog’s comments about Toys I did have another good listen to that too, and though I get where he’s coming from, as a whole I remain much keener on Rocks as a listening experience.

I had a very brief mooch around their later catalogue and it really isn’t my cup of tea, but I will happily return to this album, and I can see how it’s seen as a bit of a touchstone for later artists.

8.5/10 for me and if they hadn’t half invented the power ballad in the last track (which in itself wasn’t that bad but has spawned myriad egregious offspring) then I might have gone a bit higher still!
Quick late review from me.

I'm not really a fan of this type of music and don't really like Aerosmith as a rule. Walk this Way is probably the only song of theirs that I've liked. I've never thought of listening to an album.

All that said, I thought this was good - some great riffs and blasting vocals. It seems to have a mid 70s vibe and was certainly far better than I was expecting and I will come back to this again in future.

I really enjoy Fogs reviews and anyone else’s that put the time and effort giving honest opinions, great way to learn about what makes the album tick and where I can hopefully find inspiration to feel the same.
I suppose it depends where the review is going to be published.
On an internet forum or high end magazine there's the room to write 1000 plus words and go into history, influences and comparisons.
Plus, the reader will usually take more time to actually wade through it.
For the casual reader a long-winded review is too much trouble. Look at reviews in the daily press and general interest mags and they will be a couple of paragraphs long.
I'm not meaning to have a pop at @FogBlueInSanFran or the others that put their thought down on here. When i have a spare week i even read them and have got some good snippets of info.

It starts off very well, Back In The Saddle was always one of my favourite Aerosmith songs. And it continues to sort of hit the spot right up until Combination. And then it gets very generic Aerosmith with most songs sounding very much like each other. Except for Nobody's Fault which is rather good.

My problem with this album is that the one that precedes it, Toys In The Attic. Toys is a fantastic album, and my favourite by them. You would never guess that it's from 1975 as it sounds 'modern'. Even now. Rocks seems a setback even listening to it after all these years. A new direction-ish but not preformed as well. And for the record, even though lead vocals is always one of my bugbears, I've never really been bothered by Tyler's singing as I think it fits the music very well.

Hard to score for me as Toys would have reached the dizzy heights of a 7/8 but this is just not as good. To my ears. Delicate as they are.

I suppose it depends where the review is going to be published.
On an internet forum or high end magazine there's the room to write 1000 plus words and go into history, influences and comparisons.
Plus, the reader will usually take more time to actually wade through it.
For the casual reader a long-winded review is too much trouble. Look at reviews in the daily press and general interest mags and they will be a couple of paragraphs long.
I'm not meaning to have a pop at @FogBlueInSanFran or the others that put their thought down on here. When i have a spare week i even read them and have got some good snippets of info.

It’s strange criticism and not needed.
This thread has the perfect balance in terms of nominations and reviews - Fogs reviews and others are really not long-winded and if it’s too much for you to read a few paragraphs then just scroll.
8.5/10 for me and if they hadn’t half invented the power ballad in the last track (which in itself wasn’t that bad but has spawned myriad egregious offspring) then I might have gone a bit higher still!
Don't worry, they didn't -- KISS did on "Destroyer" with "Beth" six weeks prior to this record's release :). As I believe I noted when we reviewed that one :)
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Aerosmith - Rocks

Have to admit when this was nominated my heart sunk a bit as though I’d heard a handful of their songs that I liked, it’s not really my territory and for everyone I’d thought OK there seemed to be another that I really didn’t care for at all.

So it’s nice to be pleasantly surprised and I’d go as far as to say this is the most surprised I’ve been by a nomination.

Even Tyler’s screaming stopped winding me up in the end as it occurred to me you’d can’t expect Perry and Whitford to be balls-out and Tyler not to be; even if his version does sound at times like they are trapped in his zipper :-)

I concur with most of what OB1 and Rob have written. I’ve already said the main reason I like this is the overall sonic effect and that continues to be the case. It’s been a while since just the general sound coming out of the speakers has impressed like this did.

I had a big old read over the weekend about the details of the recording of this album and they are very interesting. Won’t go down that rabbit hole but I will say that there’s a bit of self-deprecation in Jack Douglas’s blithe statement that basically it’s simply down to the distortion. Any clown with access to a Big Muff and a Tube Screamer can make a racket (something I have proven to myself on multiple occasions) but it won’t sound anything like the racket on this album!! The tones are just so enjoyable, and they have lots of slightly contradictory elements to them to the extent that in the end I gave up trying to come up with the right adjective to describe the sound. As a recording I think this is quite special.

In terms of songs, I think OB1 nailed it on the head in talking about it as a whole rather than the parts, Back In The Saddle is a big big song on it’s own but I found myself listening to this album as a 30 odd minute single piece rather than a series of songs. In that sense it reminded me a bit of listening to the different movements in a classical piece.

In light of Fog’s comments about Toys I did have another good listen to that too, and though I get where he’s coming from, as a whole I remain much keener on Rocks as a listening experience.

I had a very brief mooch around their later catalogue and it really isn’t my cup of tea, but I will happily return to this album, and I can see how it’s seen as a bit of a touchstone for later artists.

8.5/10 for me and if they hadn’t half invented the power ballad in the last track (which in itself wasn’t that bad but has spawned myriad egregious offspring) then I might have gone a bit higher still!

Always gratifying when someone really listens to your nomination and gets some surprising pleasure from it.

Jack douglas is an excellent producer and not just of hard rock. He was a favourite of John Lennon and produced the "Double Fantasy" album. I think he engineered "Imagine".

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