The Album Review Club - Week #141 - (page 1860) - JPEG Raw - Gary Clark Jr.

It is an odd one, this. It kinda has everything I'd need, and isn't particularly missing anything. Yet, it isn't doing it for me as much as I would like to think it would. Only two things kind of mildly bother me. The 80s 'hollow' sound. And by that I don't mean the music is hollow, I mean the actual sound itself, the echoey somewhat tinney recording. And then his vocals just edge on the line to annoying. The two together, probably put me off enough to really meaningfully take it in.

Otherwise, good beat, good bit of at times bluesy at times funky rock. An energy to it. A band I haven't heard of before and as a discovery am quite glad about. I don't really have anything to criticise, as such. Just feel that I didn’t quite enjoy it as much as the last couple, for that I feel a 6 is about right. That could be a timing thing too. Will return to this in my own time and see if a different week brings something more out in it.
Have to say that I agree with almost all of this which is a surprise after reading how much so many here loved this pick.
I ended up giving it about 5 listens in the car on my commute and collecting the son from work. Alas, it just left me thinking it was all just very average. The word "meh" came to mind and I thought The Adverts to have been far better than this.
I didnt really mind that Joe Strummer was moonlighting on this, it all did feel abit lightweight and I honestly didnt think that there was any song on this that I would go out of my way to listen to again.
So I am afraid that it is only a 5 from the Derry I thought it better than PJ/Ten

That said.....if this pick had been of them live, then it would have been a wholly different situation. After seeing the live clip helpfully offered up earlier this week I started listening to SBM live and they became a totally different beast and one that I loved. I wouldnt really bother listening to the album again but I would certainly go out of my way to see them which case it would have been a 9 from me.

Really surprised at the diference between the live and recorded band/sound.

After all of Robs hype and the hint this was going to be a country ish album, I have to say I was disappointed,I was expecting an alt country band !

Having said that, this is a very enjoyable pick from a band I’d never listened to before although I was familiar with the name.I found it immediately accessible from the very first notes of the first track.As previously mentioned it’s got echoes of The Clash and JS other bands with some BAD thrown in for good measure and in my book that’s no bad thing as I’m a massive fan of those bands.
However TSBM have got their own identity, i particularly liked ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ ‘Let’s go down to the Woods’Twin Cadillac Valentine’ and ‘Clear View’.

It’s not the revelation that ‘Naturally’ was, but it’s a good album that I will play again.

Have to say that I agree with almost all of this which is a surprise after reading how much so many here loved this pick.
I ended up giving it about 5 listens in the car on my commute and collecting the son from work. Alas, it just left me thinking it was all just very average. The word "meh" came to mind and I thought The Adverts to have been far better than this.
I didnt really mind that Joe Strummer was moonlighting on this, it all did feel abit lightweight and I honestly didnt think that there was any song on this that I would go out of my way to listen to again.
So I am afraid that it is only a 5 from the Derry I thought it better than PJ/Ten

That said.....if this pick had been of them live, then it would have been a wholly different situation. After seeing the live clip helpfully offered up earlier this week I started listening to SBM live and they became a totally different beast and one that I loved. I wouldnt really bother listening to the album again but I would certainly go out of my way to see them which case it would have been a 9 from me.

Really surprised at the diference between the live and recorded band/sound.

Worth pointing out, I said and felt similar for the Bad//Dreems album the week it was up. Only months later did I return to it and end up liking it. Sometimes albums just don't quite come in the right week for some.
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Worth pointing out, I said and felt similar for the Bad//Dreems album the week it was up. Only minths later did I return to it and end up liking it. Sometimes albums just don't quite come in the right week for some.
I was looking through the list and I must depress overall scores cuz there are a bunch near the top of our two-plus years that I somehow missed due to traveling or whatever that I need to listen to. Maybe I'll just speed listen through a bunch of them and give number scores only for fun.

Bad Dreems wasn't one of them though -- still my absolute favo(u)rite takeaway from this thread. I am still playing Dogs At Bay regularly as well as some of their singles. Honorable mentions to the Drive-By-Truckers, Lucinda Williams and Fatima Mansions records too.
I was looking through the list and I must depress overall scores cuz there are a bunch near the top of our two-plus years that I somehow missed due to traveling or whatever that I need to listen to. Maybe I'll just speed listen through a bunch of them and give number scores only for fun.

Bad Dreems wasn't one of them though -- still my absolute favo(u)rite takeaway from this thread. I am still playing Dogs At Bay regularly as well as some of their singles. Honorable mentions to the Drive-By-Truckers, Lucinda Williams and Fatima Mansions records too.

The best ones are at the bottom of the list ;). That's the place to be, like the back of the bus, if you are a cool kid.
Lots to like about this album, it's a pleasing mix of influences whilst still having it's own identity. It's got a very good choice of cover which does feel like a contemporary update that is still true to the original. Multiple people have also mentioned Clear View, Someone To Talk was of the same quality too and in fact there's no real turkeys on it. it's just a shame that it can't quite harness the intensity of their live performances which would elevate it from being a solid set of songs to something more exceptional. I have a feeling this will probably endear itself further with more listens too so will be playing it again - 7.5/10

(Still no bloody idea where I saw them).
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It is an odd one, this. It kinda has everything I'd need, and isn't particularly missing anything. Yet, it isn't doing it for me as much as I would like to think it would. Only two things kind of mildly bother me. The 80s 'hollow' sound. And by that I don't mean the music is hollow, I mean the actual sound itself, the echoey somewhat tinney recording. And then his vocals just edge on the line to annoying. The two together, probably put me off enough to really meaningfully take it in.

Otherwise, good beat, good bit of at times bluesy at times funky rock. An energy to it. A band I haven't heard of before and as a discovery am quite glad about. I don't really have anything to criticise, as such. Just feel that I didn’t quite enjoy it as much as the last couple, for that I feel a 6 is about right. That could be a timing thing too. Will return to this in my own time and see if a different week brings something more out in it.
We differ on some of the details but you've more or less summed up where I am with this. Nothing much to dislike about it, although I'm not over enthused by the vocals, and plenty to pick out that is decent but it doesn't do much for me. I found myself "noticing" some of the drum and bass parts and thinking "hey that's pretty good" but not in a way that involved me, more like I was just observing it, well with my ears...

I sort of understand some of the more strident criticism of it that has been posted while also thinking it's unfair, it feels genuine or authentic if you like and if it sounds like a (poorer) version of someone else, well so what, there's not much new under the sun.

It sits in that pretty bland middle space of a 6 for me. Doubt whether I'll be returning to it in the future to but I wouldn't be surprised if I hear a random track come up on Spotify and re-evaluate that thought.
Good point about the Blue Moon Song Cup. However, you have to remember that nothing that wasn't a known big song stood a chance :)
Agreed of course but if something comes along that is picked and I repeat for me no song in that list standard or not I would rate above Clear View noting of course had it been up against a standard of emanating from a particular City in the UK it would have been smashed but that doesn't take away from the fact it is a 9/10 plus song.

I remember them putting The Angels to shame that night , no mean feat for a trio and one of Australia's iconic pub rock , hard rock outfits which didn't go down too well amongst the vast majority of the audience.

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