The Album Review Club - Week #141 - (page 1860) - JPEG Raw - Gary Clark Jr.

Afraid I only had time to listen the once and wasn't really motivated to cram in another few listens. On that basis its not fair to score it so I won't. Not really my thing but some competent musicianship.
Some of the early criticism seems a bit harsh.
Plenty of good upbeat raw blues here with some great solos.
‘I Thank You’ ,‘Hi Fi Mama’ and ‘Dust My Broom’ the standouts.
However there was a few which were pretty poor and ‘Manic Mechanic’ despite its impressive base solo is up there with one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard.

Nice to get a better understanding of ZZ top, good pick.

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A couple of tracks I was familiar with and with my limited knowledge of ZZ Top I assumed these were singles from the period when they were at the peak of their popularity as far as the UK charts go. That's probably where my preconceptions about them being a bit of a novelty band come from and I can't quite shake that although as I think OB1 said in an earlier reply to me I can appreciate that what these guys have is a sense of humour to back up what is decent musicianship.

Will probably be no surprise to anyone to know that these aren't exactly my cup of tea but by third listen I did find myself paying a bit more attention at times to the substance of the songs and the solos and thinking this is OK. Damning with feint praise I know but there is never going to be a time that I bung a ZZ Top album on for the want of being able to think of anything else to listen to but it was far from being an ordeal having to listen to this. The album is pretty short at 34 minutes but I guess that was pretty par for the course back in 1979 but something of that length also strikes me as being a little perfunctory and lazy. Manic Mechanic aside though no bad tracks, the ones that stick in my mind are the ones I already knew. Will be off to the gym this morning and happy to have this on again as I continue my incredible transformation into someone not quite as slightly overweight as I am and slightly fitter. I doubt whether one more listen is going to give it a better score though and for me it's an OK 6
Like a couple others, this has removed some of my misperceptions, which were pretty much based on their MTV appearances of the time.

Got off to a good start with I Thank You, nice groove, nice vocals. Then backed up by a number of decent songs I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide (great title for a song), Dust My Broom and Cheap Sunglasses being the best ones for me. It's really the Billy Gibbons show but that's ok as the other two provide admirable support.

As an aside, Manic Mechanic really made me chuckle. I once worked for a US firm and for a time was responsible for risk assessing the major projects. The rest of my team were from a variety of states themselves and as I was from out of town took great delight in (only half jokingly) stereotyping for me the various divisions or branches depending on which state or city they were based in. Didn't do much in Texas and Houston was the one place I dealt with but what I remember about the branch there was being told by one of my own team, and I paraphrase, "the thing you need to know about these guys is you'll think they are quite straightforward but just when you think you've worked them out they'll pull some really weird shit on you and then equally quickly go back to normal as if nothing ever happened". Couldn't help but think of this when listening to that song!

As I've mentioned before I listened to a number of their earlier albums too. I think I prefer them and definitely so with Rio Grande Mud and Tres Hombres and for that reason I was going to give this a 6. However, on the basis that having gone from having no interest in them before this pick and now being very happy to include some of their songs onto playlists I'm going to loan a point from those albums to this one and give it 7/10 (with apologies to the more methodical scorers on the thread!).
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Sorry busy week again, never listenEd to A ’Top’ album befor, I’d heard ‘Cheap Sunglasses’ before plus the other singles from their hit albums.Always found them ok but not a band I’d want to listen to more.
This was an ok listen but they’re not really my cup of tea.

Amazing how many times this happens: after the horrendous start to scoring in this round (from ZZ Top's point-o-view), they recovered with a mixtures of 6s, 7s and 8s to land @GornikDaze right next to his other nomination in the scoring table! 14 votes at an average of 5.92 sees Degüello in position #53.

I think this was a good choice in that it had a few of us evaluating the album against the band's others albums - some that came earlier, some later.

Anyway, next up, it's me, so the fairly easy clue will be in the next post.

The clue to the artist is above. As for the album, this artist has one album that sits above all the others in terms if critical acclaim.

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