The Album Review Club - Week #142 - (page 1874) - Strange Times - The Chameleons

I was around 31 when this album came out so maybe just outside the main demographic. It was a time though that I wasn't so much trying to recapture my youth but compensate for the one I didn't have much of in the first place and between marriages Oasis certainly fitted the bill for the feeling of something or other that I had at the time.

I don't know why I didn't get to see them at Maine Road in April 1996, I guess it had sold out quickly and it was probably the time when you had to actually urn up somewhere to buy tickets. In any case I remember feeling I was missing out big time on an "event". I was at Maine Road though when Wonderwall was adapted to elulogise Alan Ball and Georgie KInkladze, the latter more deserving of it than the former to be fair.

I left the UK for a couple of years in September 1996, Oasis two albums into their career and again pre internet days it was hard to keep up with the music scene in the UK from where I was but on returning home I found that Oasis had less to offer me than they had before. I think I have most of their albums downloaded but can honesly say I can hardly name a track on some of them and rarely feel like I want to listen to them.

Another random memory apropos of nothing I remember feeling really disappointed when the Oasis v Blur thing was at it's height and Roll With It came up against Country House. Roll With It just felt like it had been knocked out without much effort and was up against a band I didn't particularly like but put in a decent perfomance on that occasion. Reminds me now of the recent FA Cup final but that is probably a bit tenuous.

Anyway to this album, I hadn't listened to it for a while but was very pleasantly surpised to discover that it was something I would want to listen to more than I do. Similar to the Jam last week I set off on a retrospective to see what I might have missed. Morning Glory is also a great listen on the whole, I can't say one of these two albums is better than the other but half way through Be Here Now I could find my interest waning and I kind of gave up on listening to the rest. Maybe one day...

I like Noel's solo stuff but not to the extent that I play that so often either and there are a lot of good tracks on the Masterplan. Definitely, Maybe is certainly of the moment but was great to listen to it again and it's worth an 8.
21 votes, 39 pages of discussion and reminiscing. Definitely Maybe by Oasis scored an average of 7.55 which is a fine display and good enough for 8th position in the table.

With his crafty selections and his finger on the Bluemoon musical pulse, @BlueHammer85 has his 3rd entry in the top 8.

Now it's over to @OB1 for this week's nomination.
Come on @ob1let's be having you!

I'm imagining a change of track into
drum n bass this time? Maybe a bit of Roni Size :-)
Of course I respect everyone's opinion and you are entitled to yours, but suggesting that the album doesn't get going until track three is as bizarre an opinion on Definitely Maybe as I've heard.

Rock 'n' Roll Star is literally the band bursting into our collective consciousness and announcing themselves to the music world. It tells us how the next 4 or 5 years are going to be. You might not like the song personally but the opening chords of that song is the very announcement that Oasis are here.

I get it, I do, but the first 2 songs really don't do as much for me as others. I am comforted in knowing I'm not alone here in feeling that way.

I should also note that I do get why the opening track, especially the guitars, really do it for others, because they are great on that song. However, it's some of the drawn out vocals that tune me out, even if it addresses the soon-schiiiine and all that.

This wasn't the first album I listened to from them, and by the time I heard it I had other songs I rated higher. I'd have the 4 I listed in my top 15 or so, but not others.
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21 votes, 39 pages of discussion and reminiscing. Definitely Maybe by Oasis scored an average of 7.55 which is a fine display and good enough for 8th position in the table.

With his crafty selections and his finger on the Bluemoon musical pulse, @BlueHammer85 has his 3rd entry in the top 8.

Now it's over to @OB1 for this week's nomination.
And Rush's Moving Pictures remains the leader in the number of votes race with 23! Must say I thought this one would surpass that.
And Rush's Moving Pictures remains the leader in the number of votes race with 23! Must say I thought this one would surpass that.
I'm also going to admit that I'm more than a bit bothered that this scored higher than The Masterplan, but that was week 3 here, and the audience has changed considerably.

I'd be just a bit curious where the nominator of both albums ranks them on his own list? ;-)

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