The Album Review Club - Week #142 - (page 1874) - Strange Times - The Chameleons

Got to thank you for this one, mate.....not heard some of these in decades. And they sound so good. I can take or leave Led Zep...i got a bit bored with some of their music at times. Love the funkier sounds on some tunes...especially Trampled Under Foot..Not heard that since school days. Kashmir sounds like something else stoned. Like a new song..
A bit Satanic, innit? ha...what's the point of having to play the record backwards to hear the devil's messages when it's so satanic forwards? Play it backwards, and it will probably be Christian like.
This is the album The Second Coming wanted to be. Could have been if they had a proper singer. And I bet Robert Plant got vaccinated unlike Ian scared of needles Brown. Soz...haha. Bron-Yr-Aur....nice around that area. Sounds hard to learn that one. Good though. I'll watch a YouTube tutorial vid. Down By the seaside is a bit MOR for Led Zep, isn't? Good jam though. Like Robinsons. I'm writing this as i listen, as you can probably tell. Good job 've got a gramar dorrect aopp ...because that's how i type. Ten Years Gone By is even more mellow…just reading wiki: "When the track was performed live, Jones played a triple-neck guitar featuring mandolin, six- and twelve-string guitars" haha! Love it! That's proper ROCK. I think these songs sound more advanced for their time than i can remember. Some are from 70 and 71. Led Zep are one of those bands that always sounded old even in the 70s...but some of this contradicts that. The Wanton Song's intro is basically Immigrant Song. Not sure about that Boogie one though.'s a bit annoying stoned. skip. Back to the more traditional Led Zep sound for the last couple of songs. I've said before that any score over 7 has got to be a it's a 7 from me. Enjoyed it.
Just a quickie from me on this album. Im not going to play it as I dont think I can listen to a double Zep album, I never liked double albums anyway.
Whn I was a young bloke back in the day I really liked them and had this album which I played many times, I never liked Kashmir though, terrible song imo.
However as I got older I just went off them.
I cant explain it I just feel I matured musically and now they just sound like fuckin horrible to me, Page and Plant I began to see as show offs, especially live, the bare chests and 10 minute guitar wanks (that involved plenty of bum notes) but I still admired the rhythm section.... I just dont like it anymore, I dont even like their folky stuff either.
They were one of the worlds biggest bands in those days, they appealed to squillions of people, including me. But I feel my musical tastes have changed and I just cant listen to them anymore.
Because LZ were such a massive band, but I dont like double albums Im giving this a 6/10
Just a quickie from me on this album. Im not going to play it as I dont think I can listen to a double Zep album, I never liked double albums anyway.
Whn I was a young bloke back in the day I really liked them and had this album which I played many times, I never liked Kashmir though, terrible song imo.
However as I got older I just went off them.
I cant explain it I just feel I matured musically and now they just sound like fuckin horrible to me, Page and Plant I began to see as show offs, especially live, the bare chests and 10 minute guitar wanks (that involved plenty of bum notes) but I still admired the rhythm section.... I just dont like it anymore, I dont even like their folky stuff either.
They were one of the worlds biggest bands in those days, they appealed to squillions of people, including me. But I feel my musical tastes have changed and I just cant listen to them anymore.
Because LZ were such a massive band, but I dont like double albums Im giving this a 6/10
This is curious. I hadn’t listened to them for a quite a while - and used to be into them a lot when younger. Was almost a little worried that I might end up thinking of them along the same lines as your thoughts above. Yet, if anything, I feel more able to appreciate them than before. Not so much the posturing/showmanship, more that I find that some songs are exquisite. Which I’m not sure is a quality that rock songs ‘should’ have. But, for me, they do and it works. Like a raw, wild, dark beauty. A twisting, turning journey through rugged yet idyllic soundscapes. I guess I feel a connection with these songs that takes me to places that are akin to those you so eloquently spoke of re Hendrix and Coltrane elsewhere. Different strokes please different folks for sure. Oh, and wasn’t going to score on this thread but whilst I’m here…9/10 Great pick, great tunes, great album - with some reviews to do this justice, whether favorable or not.
Oh, and wasn’t going to score on this thread but whilst I’m here…9/10 Great pick, great tunes, great album - with some reviews to do this justice, whether favorable or not.
But now you're here, stick around, pull up a chair and join the fun.

I've always been one who enjoys listening to "my" music, whatever that may be at the time. But over these two threads, it's been nice to be "forced" to listen to stuff you might not otherwise hear. Even if you don't like what's on offer, I find it informative and helps put your own tastes in perspective.
Got to thank you for this one, mate.....not heard some of these in decades. And they sound so good. I can take or leave Led Zep...i got a bit bored with some of their music at times. Love the funkier sounds on some tunes...especially Trampled Under Foot..Not heard that since school days. Kashmir sounds like something else stoned. Like a new song..
A bit Satanic, innit? ha...what's the point of having to play the record backwards to hear the devil's messages when it's so satanic forwards? Play it backwards, and it will probably be Christian like.
This is the album The Second Coming wanted to be. Could have been if they had a proper singer. And I bet Robert Plant got vaccinated unlike Ian scared of needles Brown. Soz...haha. Bron-Yr-Aur....nice around that area. Sounds hard to learn that one. Good though. I'll watch a YouTube tutorial vid. Down By the seaside is a bit MOR for Led Zep, isn't? Good jam though. Like Robinsons. I'm writing this as i listen, as you can probably tell. Good job 've got a gramar dorrect aopp ...because that's how i type. Ten Years Gone By is even more mellow…just reading wiki: "When the track was performed live, Jones played a triple-neck guitar featuring mandolin, six- and twelve-string guitars" haha! Love it! That's proper ROCK. I think these songs sound more advanced for their time than i can remember. Some are from 70 and 71. Led Zep are one of those bands that always sounded old even in the 70s...but some of this contradicts that. The Wanton Song's intro is basically Immigrant Song. Not sure about that Boogie one though.'s a bit annoying stoned. skip. Back to the more traditional Led Zep sound for the last couple of songs. I've said before that any score over 7 has got to be a it's a 7 from me. Enjoyed it.
The point is to get spotty teenagers ruining their vinyl playing it backwards so they have to buy another copy :)

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