The Album Review Club - Week #144 - (page 1893) - XO - Elliot Smith

Yes, that’s a fair point. When I like an album, it’s generally the sound that I like first, and then I’ll delve into the lyrics if I love the music.

I tend to worry less about what’s being said if I don’t like the sound too much.
Understood, and it was both for me.
I’ve probably come across as a bit negative in my review, and I apologise for that.
No apology necessary, I appreciate what I know from you will be honest feedback.
I think there is plenty of overlap in the music that we like, but as Coatigan has rightly pointed out, I do have an in-built bias against the UK indie scene. When I first got into music, I couldn’t understand how people were falling over themselves to praise what to me sounded like pretty flat tunes. Whilst there are exceptions to any rule, I think American roots music hits me far deeper than your average indie band (UK or US), and I find that US bands have a far more varied sonic palette.
Since following this thread in the fall, I have found some of the UK fondness for American roots music as interesting as my US fondness for Doves and a few other UK bands we have and haven't touched on. :-) A bit curiously odd, in fact, if I'm to be honest.
Basically, UK indie bands have to work harder to impress me - but there are some I like a lot (I wonder if anybody will ever nominate one?)
And I thought I might be hitting it this week, but no matter the reception it would get, this first selection was always going to be it for me. :-)
The Last Broadcast isn’t a bad album - it’s the sound of a band playing music, and I respect that. It’s just not music that moves me for the most part.
We'll find that sweet spot! ;-)
No problem. Whilst we all have a right to our own opinions, I think it is equally valid to question somebody’s review of an album in the way that you have done here.

In my defence, I am not a professional music reviewer: whilst I can probably find the right words to review an album that really moved me to score it highly, or an album that I take an aversion to, it’s those middle-ground albums - like this week’s - that I struggle to express myself on. It’s not a bad album, it has a few decent tracks, but all I can say it was I did and didn’t like about it.

Just out of interest, which other album did I review in a similar way to this week’s.

I haven’t got my spreadsheet to hand, but I remember reviewing The Tindersticks, Oasis’ Masterlan and Noel Gallagher’s album’s favourably, so that 3 UK acts that have done OK from me!

Given To The Wild, for one. You have previously made similar comments on uk indie bands, but that one in particular I think jumped at me as it sounded exactly like I think I remember reading. I may be conflating some general commentary on indie though, that is sometimes said even jokingly.

It is not about favourably or unfavourably btw, that's rarely something I get drawn into. I usually think a 6 is a good score, not that it matters. It was more a comment on what I think sometimes gets missed, which in this is a mood. i.e Looking for acoustic guitar, grit, individual showboating, etc, in an album without those things by design, can miss the best parts of it. But then, I also do get that if something is not for you, it is just not for you.
I really enjoyed this, both as an album and as a prompt to look back at some of my old listening patterns.

I had this album in my collection, but not only have I not listened to it in 20+ years, but I didn't really remember much of it from then either. I seem to remember more of their first album, which I liked at the time. Then for some reason, didn't get into this one, and didnt follow the band beyond that any more.

Maybe it didn't live up to the expectation (or more like the tone) of their first. Maybe they kinda got lost in what in those years was a tide of indie bands. Or maybe Coldplay ruined it for everyone, going big with their atmospheric pop. Maybe I just lacked attention span back then, who knows.

Anyway, here I am, a bit older, and it sat really well with me. I like the overall feel of it, a bit subdued, but not outright dour. A bir pop-rocky at times, without ever fully going for convention or high energy. Sure, a couple songs felt like they weren't going anywhere, but most had a simple theme, and built and built on it. The middle of the album was probably its stongest for me. There goes the fear is an obvious hit, but I preferred songs like N.Y, Satellites. Friday's dust had really good instrumental elements, but in comparison to the rest, almost felt like it was trying too hard. Pounding had a really strong beat through it, and caught by the river a good finish.

Overall a good solid 8 musically. Would feel uneasy not giving an obvious point for being blues, so a 9 all in. Will likely see what else they got up to beyond this, and I notice elsewhere they are back recording so will look for that too.
I really enjoyed this, both as an album and as a prompt to look back at some of my old listening patterns.
Excellent, was very curious on your take of this given our overlaps as well. Figured you'd have heard it, but had no clue otherwise on the disposition.
I had this album in my collection, but not only have I not listened to it in 20+ years, but I didn't really remember much of it from then either. I seem to remember more of their first album, which I liked at the time. Then for some reason, didn't get into this one, and didnt follow the band beyond that any more.
I would agree the music from Lost Souls is more towards the Frightened Rabbit leanings, more for the moodiness in it. I love them both, but glad I found this first.
Maybe it didn't live up to the expectation (or more like the tone) of their first. Maybe they kinda got lost in what in those years was a tide of indie bands. Or maybe Coldplay ruined it for everyone, going big with their atmospheric pop. Maybe I just lacked attention span back then, who knows.
Hmm, I'll go with Coldplay. But then again, they didn't ruin The Maccabees either, and I find more in common with Doves and The Maccabees than with Coldplay, certainly after X&Y, which I still enjoy.
Anyway, here I am, a bit older, and it sat really well with me. I like the overall feel of it, a bit subdued, but not outright dour. A bir pop-rocky at times, without ever fully going for convention or high energy. Sure, a couple songs felt like they weren't going anywhere, but most had a simple theme, and built and built on it.
In initially coming back to give this a refresh listen this past Fall in having Doves firmly in mind for my first selection, I too was impressed on how both varied yet concise the songs were on this album.
The middle of the album was probably its stongest for me. There goes the fear is an obvious hit, but I preferred songs like N.Y, Satellites.
Wow, that's great to hear. I really wanted to see if someone else felt this same way on the middle of the album.

I read a few published reviews prior where some thought these tracks as filler, and the more I listened, the more I disagreed wholeheartedly. I don't think I've heard a band make a song like "Satellites" from the varied sound throughout. The pain described in the beginning begins a mood shift towards that light halfway at 3:30 in. It has always been a hidden gem of mine. The 4:45 instrumental chorus is a powerful one too. On that song, I do feel it is more than just the ending, though I do love that too. Seeing them make the beginning of that song in the YouTube video was a cool bonus. All in under 6 days? Pretty damn impressive to me.

Friday's dust had really good instrumental elements, but in comparison to the rest, almost felt like it was trying too hard. Pounding had a really strong beat through it, and caught by the river a good finish.

Overall a good solid 8 musically. Would feel uneasy not giving an obvious point for being blues, so a 9 all in. Will likely see what else they got up to beyond this, and I notice elsewhere they are back recording so will look for that too.
Hope you enjoy their later albums too. They all have sentimental memories for me too. They are a unique band, unlike others I've heard then or since.

I've enjoyed the Jimi solo / duo (Williams brothers in Black Rivers) efforts, but they are best when all together.
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Is it just me that is finding the sound mix poor.

You make the same point that Rob makes about the mix and I'm inclined to agree with it. It’s something that we’ve been discussing more broadly at home a lot recently.

I’ve previously mentioned that I‘d binned all my vinyl years ago. Well, it turns out that when we went through part of the garage a while ago we found a box that contained a few albums. To the delight of my eldest it contained all of my Joy Division and New Order collection** (with the exception of PC&L which very annoyingly was awol), the vast majority of The Smiths, and a fair few other old albums he’s been listening to; all of which seemed to be in better nick than I remember keeping them tbf.

He was so chuffed with the find that we got him a turntable for Christmas, and I dug out an old but ok TEAC amp and pair of Celestion speakers for his room. Overall, nothing fancy but when he and his friends put the first album on they were completely blown away by what they were hearing and with each album they listened to they were amazed by the level and nature of the detail they were hearing. As many of them play instruments there was immediate discussion about what they were hearing versus what they were used to hearing. He, like most of his friends has mostly been listening to music by streaming, either through his reasonably high spec earbuds or when we’re in the car.

Anyway, in a somewhat geeky fashion, they started comparing these albums to some of the other versions on other formats, including several supposed remasters of some of them. Their conclusion was that the quality of the versions they’d been previously listening to was all over the place, this included many of the efforts at remastering for newer formats some of which they thought had made things worse rather than better.

This got me thinking that I listen to a lot of the nominations in the car with a not very good set up or through my computer which currently has pretty crap monitors attached too. So, I’m often listening to source music that either hasn’t been remastered at all for the format I’m listening to or hasn’t been remastered that well. I suspect this creates quite a different experience to the nominator who may own and plays their nominated album in its original format. I thought about trying to dig out the CD of this weeks pick because I suspect I’m losing a decent amount of detail and tone along the way. If you are using free Spotify even the max quality bitrate is one where people will be able to differentiate between it and other formats; I think only the Spotify premium VH quality setting really eliminates this issue. I mostly use YT music and the HQ setting should eliminate that issue but i'm pretty sure it automatically adjusts the bitrate e.g. if i'm listening out and about.

It won’t make much difference for many picks and thinking back to Rob’s preferences I think with a lot of US releases more effort was/is put in to making sure music sounds good in a wide variety of (less sophisticated) formats partly as a result of the more diverse and demanding nature of radio stations in the US. However, I think there’s probably a whole raft of UK indie music that has never been revisited and just loses some of its qualities when played in most streaming contexts. This could be a complete load of bollocks but I did have a sense with this week’s pick that I was missing something from what I remember about it.

** On the NO front, elder son was raving about hearing the NO 1981-1982 EP as it was ‘supposed to sound’ and declared it possibly the greatest thing he’d ever heard, I explained there was a bloke on the thread who planned to be buried with his copy and he just nodded in a ‘well of course’ sort of way. Unprompted he then said Thieves Like Us was probably it's equal and you'd have to take that with you too!!!!! Might have to get some DNA testing done with a certain transatlantic poster :-)
Is it just me that is finding the sound mix poor.
The vocals i find average at best and like a lot of British albums of the 90's i find it a bit hit and miss.
Words...There goes the fear....N.Y.....Pounding my faves.
The rest nothing special.
Pretty much wrote my review for me! Obviously Pounding and it’s match day connection is the stand out for me. The rest was okay but didn’t leave me wanting more.
Heard a lot of Doves when the kids were getting into music back in the day. Asked them at the weekend if they were still fans but I think they’ve moved on.
Steady 5/10 for me
Pretty much wrote my review for me! Obviously Pounding and it’s match day connection is the stand out for me. The rest was okay but didn’t leave me wanting more.
Heard a lot of Doves when the kids were getting into music back in the day. Asked them at the weekend if they were still fans but I think they’ve moved on.
Steady 5/10 for me

Oh indie music, or to be more accurate Manchester indie music. Very hit and miss to my ears. When the drone starts I switch off. One of the main reasons I never liked Oasis.


The Last Broadcast.

There Goes The Fear, Pounding and Friday's Dust are my stand out, and by stand out, I mean better than the rest. I quite liked the ambient start but the next song was far too indie droneing for me. The slower songs like The Last Broadcast did nothing for me as well.

It's a 5/10
Oh indie music, or to be more accurate Manchester indie music. Very hit and miss to my ears. When the drone starts I switch off. One of the main reasons I never liked Oasis.


The Last Broadcast.

There Goes The Fear, Pounding and Friday's Dust are my stand out, and by stand out, I mean better than the rest. I quite liked the ambient start but the next song was far too indie droneing for me. The slower songs like The Last Broadcast did nothing for me as well.

It's a 5/10
What was the point of the intro.No need for that to be on at all.

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